Carter and Tea

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( at a coffee shop called StarDucks )
(Image above is comic I got idea from)

Carter: *looks at the sizes for drinks
S/M/L/XL/B * :/ what's B ?

Worker: that's a bathtub full of what ever drink you choose

Carter: :3 oh really?


Carter: *in his swimsuit in a bathtub full of tea * ^^ I'm so happy

Felix: -_- can you not be stereotype about your love of tea ?

Carter: ^^ *drinks some of the tea *
hush I'm in my happy place

Felix: *rolls eyes and leaves* weirdo

( question for the chapter: if you could pick one liquid to take a bath in besides water what would it be? )

Incorrect Quotes Kindergarten 2 (Book 2 )Where stories live. Discover now