Penny's father

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(James is Penny's father and ex husband to F principal as a result of her carelessness of letting Penny get mauled by alien monsters and he still thinks Penny is gone )

James: *in the store shopping when he sees Penny* o.o P-penny?

Penny: *looks around seeing who said her name and looks at James* :/ who are you ?

James: It's me James your dad *hugs her tears of joy filled his eyes *
^^ sweetie I thought I'd lost you forever

Penny: o///o * has no memory of him as her mommy erased it from her brain when she fixed her and escapes his grasp backing away from James*
You're my what?

James: :/ your dad don't you remember

Penny: well I- *her mom calls her over*
Sorry I gotta go * goes over to her mom *

James: ;-; my own daughter is alive and she doesn't even remember me

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