Ask Us (Janitor and Jenny)

396 5 246

Rules : 
-Keep questions pg
-only ask questions about him on this part
-rp is allowed
( :3 preferably like how a lifestream would have them)
-try to keep the question somewhat relevant to the game

( Jenny is female Janitor and Mindy is female Monty)

( in the garage of Monty's house )
( the Janitor is Monty's uncle )

Monty: * setting up a web cam *
Okay you're good

Jenny: * siting on a work bench *

Janitor: * siting in a folding chair *
Hello everyone I am Mr.Janitor and
* points to Jenny* this is Jenny my gender bent ask us questions

Jenny: except where the bodies are we aren't telling you anything about that

Monty: ......

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