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( this takes place at Female Principal's house where the sisters are having an argument in the living room with Penny in her bedroom still able to hear everything)

Margaret: o_o you wanna do what?

Female principal: :/ I just told you,
I'm taking away Penny's free will

Margaret: are you serious?!

Female principal: ya ...

Margaret: *getting a little mad*
So it's not bad enough you not only got Penny almost killed by monsters and turned her into an android , but now you want to take away the last part of her that's actually human?!

Female principal:
...basically ya .....but it's her own fault she's been disobeying my remote lately and I wouldn't stand for it

Margaret: *now is full on angry*
Karen! she's only 6 years old she shouldn't be controlled by a remote....
you're a monster

Female principal: *taken a back as she knows her sister only uses her name when she's really mad at her and snaps *
You could have stopped me at anytime...but you didn' know why? ...because you're a nothing more than a coward

*hurt by the insult but doesn't let it show *
No, it's because I was scared of you ...
after James left you went to a real dark place....but I'm not scared of you anymore.....and you're no longer my sister.....I'm going to bed
*shes goes to her room and goes to sleep making sure her bedroom door is locked just in case*

( the next morning)

Narrator: The sisters are in the kitchen both having claimed down a little since the argument but still are acting cold towards each other

Female principal: *calls Penny downstairs only to get not response *

Margaret: *goes to Penny room to see her remote has been smashed into a million pieces,a note on the desk,some of her clothes missing,and her window open *
;-; Karen ...Penny has runaway from home!

Incorrect Quotes Kindergarten 2 (Book 2 )Where stories live. Discover now