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(This is going to be a two-parter one where the same incident happens only it's going to be Ted instead of Felix who does it)

Felix: * playing with a circular saw* :3 this is fun *trips and rams the thing into the side door of his dad's car* O_o.....oh no ...my future car!

Mr.Huxley:   *walks in* what was that noise? *looks at the car and yells at Felix very authoritatively * what happened to MY car?!

Felix: *panicked look and shaking * f-father I-it was an accident I was pla-playing wit-with the Circular saw and- and *unable to speak the rest from fear*

Mr.Huxley: *calms down after seeing Felix's expression and lets out a long sigh* you know what I'm just glade your okay....but when we get to the repair shop you are going to explain what happened got it ?

Felix: *nods thinks: he's never yelled at me before  ...thank goodness I'm not Teddy cause I doubt he'd be so forgiving *

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