Carter's nightmare

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( this will most likely be the last nightmare that I'll write for a while)

Carter: * on the streets all alone freezing in a cardboard box caught in a thunder storm lighting flashing every so often *
;-; I'm going to bloody die all alone

Felix: *pulls up to him in his car and rolls down the window * Carter?!

Carter: *shaking trying his best to stay claim desperate enough to even accept Felix's help * ^^ Felix hey mate ...a little help here

Felix: *laughs* ya I'm not helping you bye ... what was the word used to call me?

Carter: umm peasant

Felix: *evil smirk * that's right bye peasant *drives off kicking up a bunch of mud on Carter*

Carter: *gets hit with lightning ending the nightmare *

( In real life)

Carter: * wakes up and looks around to see he's in his bedroom * oh good it was just a nightmare *goes back to sleep *

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