Carlos and Paul : help

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( Carlos is male version of Carla and Paul is male of Penny)
( older) ( text conversation)

Paul: *text* hey Carlos can you come over I need help?

Carlos: *text back* ........sorry but I'm not a therapist

Paul: *text* o///o not that kinda of help

Carlos: *text back*  ......what did you do?

Paul: *text* >////< I tried to do with the toast and now it's stuck

Carlos: *texts back* o_o define "it"

Paul: * text* >//////< you know what it I'm referring to.....just come over please?

Carlos: *texts back * couldn't you ask your dad or uncle for help ?

Paul: *text* NO .....that'd get mad as I used the toaster from the kitchen.....just help me please

Carlos: *sighs and texts back * Fine,
I'll be there soon just try to stay claim ok?

Paul: *text* ok......thank you

Carlos: *texts back * you're welcome just don't talk to anyone about this after and stay away from any toasters

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