Grocery store camping

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( this takes place in a closed grocery store where Kid, Nugget, Monty and the Janitor are in )

Monty: :/ Mom said you were taking us camping .....

Janitor: what are you talking about? this is camping only more illegal and this way I can drink as much as I want *goes to the alcohol section *

Kid: I'm shocked she trusted him to take us

Monty: well she said it would help us get along better..... and I asked you two to come with us in case I needed witnesses

Nugget: well Nugget is going to get some nuggets *leaves to the freezer aisle*

Monty: Nugget they'll be- *notices he's too far to hear him * oh I'm sure he'll figure it out eventually

Janitor: *drinking surrounded by alcohol *
^^ this is my version of heaven

Kid : *to Monty* wanna play some broad games in the toy section?

Monty: okay *they go the to toy section and play some board games*

They all hear a loud banging noise coming from the grocery half of the store

Nugget: *banging his head against the wall * COLD NUGGETS COLD NUGGETS COLD NUGGETS

Monty : *sighs* I saw that coming

( I randomly came up with this idea while walking around Walmart )

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