April fools

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Carter: * Recording himself in his bedroom door in quarantine* hey peasants ....so I just realize it's April Fools' Day but I can't leave my house.....*Flip the camera around it shows a drone with a mini paint ball gun and go pro strapped to it* >:3 but if Felix thinks he'll be immune to me pranking  him he has another thing coming  *the video switches the Go pro *

Narrator: The GoPro flies all the way to Felix's house

Felix: *in his room reading a book *
^^ The one good thing about this  quarantine is Carter can't come near me now

The drone: * flies in it starts hitting Felix with mini paintballs*

Felix: *runs away from it yelling to the camera *Oh come on not even quarantine can't keep you from being a jerk?!

Carter: *at home laughing at the computer screen as he watches Felix get pelted with mini paintballs*
XD best decision ever

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