Felix x Cindy : Ignored

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(This will be the only one I'm doing)
( In the smart class room)

Felix: *at his desk reading * hey love

Kid: *next to on his phone playing a game doesn't respond *

Felix: *looks at him* love?

Kid: *doesn't respond *

Felix: *nudge him* Adam?

Kid : *still no response *

Felix: *getting annoyed * Adam pay attention

Kid: *nothing*

Felix: okay that's it *puts the book down , yanks the phone from kid's hands , and sits in kid's lap * Adam

Kid: * irritated* what do you want?! Can't you see I'm busy go away * pushes Felix off *

Felix: ;-; fine if that's how you feel I'm breaking up with you * runs off crying *

(In the hall)

Cindy: *walks out of the girl's bathroom and sees a crying Felix * :/ you okay?

Felix: ;-; no I just broke up with Adam for ignoring me

Cindy: *hugs him* you poor thing....you know if you were with me I'd never ignore you *wipes his tears and pets his hair causing him to purr*

Felix : *purring in her arms* well I guess we could go out I don't see why not

(At lunch)

Kid: *sees Felix and Cindy siting together *

Cindy: *notices Kid looking and kisses Felix on the mouth her eyes smirking at him *

Kid: *feels guilty for ignoring Felix and letting Cindy take him away * ;-;

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