Chapter 1

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Eternal fight- I bet everything for this.
My passion, my first love, my biggest inspiration in life. The thing which made me feel like I was actually living...Kick boxing. For others it may sound like a useless hobby but for me, it's my dream, my definition of happiness. Today I opened my first boxing studio "열망 (desire)". I hope that this will be the beginning of endless fights. Let's peruse our dream together. -24th January 2001

I looked at the pictures which could be seen under the little text. There he was, smiling and standing in front of his new boxing studio together with my mother. They looked so happy, I can't even describe how beautiful they look together, holding up their hands in a fighting position, lips curled up into a smile. I smile weakly at the picture, touching it....I miss you dad, why did you leave us this early?

"Honey",I heard her calling me,"What are you doing?" I quickly closed his diary, to be exact his boxing journal. Wiping a tear away I put on a smile and turn around to face my mother.

"I just found his boxing journal, didn't know he was writing things like that.", I said in an almost sad tone. My mother took a seat next to me in the bed,"He was very passionate about it, and he told me to give it to you some day. But you found it way earlier than I was planning to do so.", she smiled weakly at me, holding both of my hands in hers."Y/n I am sure you will have a lot of time to read this but promise me one thing...", she looked nervous,"Don't tell your grandparents about it okay?"

I rolled my eyes,"Seobi and Myung you mean?"
She hit my arm slightly,"Don't call them by their names this is rude!" I sighed and shrugged my shoulders,"Anyway they didn't support you and they didn't support him, so what's the point of calling them my grandparents?", I asked with a higher pitched voice.

Mom sighed as well,"Baby, not everyone is understanding. And they were just worried about me, your father and later on you."

I stood up,"What about him though?-do they even know where he is?"

Mom was upset with the way I was talking but I couldn't help it, I was too angry. "They worried about him too, but it's just that he didn't want ther care and support.", she explained calmly, looking even sadder than before.

I hated to bring this topic up, I hated to bring him up but I couldn't help it.
I had missed him, my brother-but I didn't care about him anymore.

Since he left us two alone nothing was the same. As if my fathers death wasn't enough for us to handle. Two months, only two months had passed by after dads death and he left us only one month later.

Feeling alone was the worst thing in my life, but luckily my queen, my mom was there to help me out of the darkness I was trapped in.

"Y/n let's eat now, I made some fresh Kimchi with rice."

I clapped my hands excitedly,"Yay, that's what I love to hear, food is a mood!!",I yelled as I ran through our flat-towards the kitchen.
Laying in my bed I continued reading dads journal, man he was passionate about that kick boxing thing.
I think I should try it too sometimes.
The next day

I woke up because I heard my mom yelling at someone at the phone and she never yelled at anyone before.

I got out of bed and walked over to the kitchen in my tiptoes, trying to be as quiet as possible.

"What do you mean with we can't afford it?",her voice sounded angry,"The boxing studio belonged to my husband and I won't sell it to anyone!"

My heart felt like a stone, this Simone wanted us to sell our boxing studio?

"Please at least give us some time to prepare everything and clean things up.", she sighed,"Okay three months is enough."Then she ended the call.

Eternal fight // Jungkook X Reader Where stories live. Discover now