Chapter 24

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Some days had passed again. Training, sleeping and eating were the main things I did during those days. And Jungkook was still ignoring me and giving me his cold attitude. The last two days he came home very late, I didn't even notice when he came back because I would be already fast asleep. I really started wondering what he did so I decided that I would secretly follow him if he would go out at night again.

I went over to the living room and turned the TV on, searching for some good news. The news channel was catching my interest. They were talking about a Kim Jennie who broke up with her famous boxer boyfriend. Where did I hear this name though?

I listened further until something clicked in my mind, she ....that girl was Jungkooks ex girlfriend, the one he had planned to propose to. My heart suddenly ached at that sight, holding onto it I quickly turned off the TV. It's not like he had something to with her right?
"Don't wait for me.", Jungkook said as he left our flat at 10 pm, where was he going at this hour?
I knew it wasn't right to do but I followed right after him, hiding behind some cars so that he wouldn't notice me. I quickly got in a taxi and followed his car which was going towards a restaurant. Was he going to meet one of the boys and he didn't tell me?

When I arrived in front of it I quickly got in, covered in black mask and a black hat, searching for this brat! Then I saw him approaching someone....some woman to be exact. Who was she?

I waited for the girl to show her face. She touched his arm as a greeting which made me wanna chop of her head right away. Then they sat down, as the woman wanted to order something she turned around making it possible for me to see her face and it was no other than KIM JENNIE.

So he really came home late these days to meet his ex girlfriend?!

I knew I shouldn't have done that but I couldn't control myself as I walked over to their table,"Jeon Jungkook!", I hissed as his eyes grew wide for a second when he spotted me. I eyed the girl who was looking at me with a scrunched nose, disgusting.

"What are you doing here?", he asked me back with his cold tone.

"Excuse me....", I crossed my arms over my chest,"But shouldn't I be the one asking you that!"

He rolled his eyes,"I don't have anything to tell you. You forgot the rules I interferring in each other's private lives.", he answered cockily.

"What? I don't understand anything Jungkook who is that girl?", that woman said as she shamelessly pointed at me, eyeing me from up to down with a judging gaze.

"Sorry I should have introduced myself", I fake smiled as I reached out my hand,"I am his wife, Jeon Y/N."

She choked on her cocktail,"Oh I heard of you, right. You are this boxer girl or should I say boy?", she smirked.

"I could punch you like a boy if you think I look like one.", I said and she pouted turning towards Jungkook,"Baby boo I can't believe you married someone like her."

"Baby boo?!", I laughed,"What kind of shitty nickname is that? Did she call you like that when you two were still together?"

Jungkook took a deep breath and furrowed his eyebrows at me,"Y/N go home!", he demanded.

The woman smirked at him and looked at me again,"Seems like you two are not really married, this whole thing seems fake to me."

I scoffed,"Not as fake as you are B*tch!"

Her eyes grew wild and Jungkook went up dragging me outside of the restaurant after telling the woman to be right back.

"Yah let me go!", I yelled as he finally let me go.
"You Followed me until here? "

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