One: Since Day One

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Jacob Fox and Gabriella Jones.

Both born in Saint Harper Hospital, on March 13th, 2001, at 2:37 pm.

Same section, same hallway, just next door to one another.

Our mothers, Tracy Fox, and Penny Jones have been best friends since college.

So it's bound for us to be best friends too.

We were raised like we were twins.

Growing up it was like we were connected at the hip. Every year we were in the same class, we did homework together, we even are going to the same college.


"Jake! Let's go! I wanna go explore campus!" I scream from his blue convertible.

"Geez Gabi chill. I'm coming," sighs Jake as he speedwalks down the driveway.

"You ready?" I squeal as Jake plops into the driver's seat.

"Ready as always," he smiles at me as he starts the engine.

And then we're off to college, with the backseat and trunk full of both of our clothes, books, and other junk.

Standford. It's where we're heading. It's only about an hour away from home, but it feels like much more.


I can't wait to start our Freshman year. With Jacob and I both majoring in business, we will spend a lot of time together, which isn't anything different than what we've done for the past 19 years.

But the other reason I'm excited is because of Greyson Fox. Yup, that's right, Jacob's older brother. The person I've been in love with since I was fourteen.

Sadly, being with Greyson is forbidden. When Jake and I were five, we made a pact. That I could never like Greyson, and Jake could never like my little sister, Luna.

This didn't seem like a problem then, but that's because I thought boys were gross. (Like almost any five-year-old girl did) Well, all boys but Jake.

Greyson is a Junior at Stanford and majors in Physics. All the girls (and some boys tbh) were falling for him in  high school. He was the captain of the Lacrosse team, and had the highest GPA in his grade. It seemed like he had a different girlfriend each week.


"Gab... Gabi... Gabriella. Gabi we're here. Gabriella Janelle Jones!"

Jacob shakes me awake as I mumble something and flip my head onto it's other side.

"Gab, we're finally at the college of our dreams, and you're gonna sleep through it? Oh c'mon love."

"Wha?" I pull the dirty blonde hair out of my face and slowly open my eyes to see the 'Welcome to the Standford Campus' sign gleaming in my face.

My body jumps up and I gleam at Jake, "Bro we're here! We're actually here! Dude why didn't you wake my up sooner?"

He sighs and gets out of the car. He comes around to my side of the car and opens the door for me.

I unbuckle my seat belt and jump out of the car. I take a deep breath in to take it all in.

My dream is coming true. I'm at Stanford!

"Okay, let's go sign in!" Jake says while lacing his fingers through mine.

"Mkay" I say and follow his lead to the main building.

When we walk into the Main Entrance, the first thing is see is the huge banner above stating,

"Welcome incoming freshman!"

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