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Hi y'all I got taged Soo....

1: Who did I last kiss? uh

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1: Who did I last kiss? uh... I don't know.... My mom or dad I guess? Like on the cheek tho...

2: Closet thing that is red? I'm sitting on a red chair... So that

3: Newest dream? let's see.... I ate a hot dog... Yeah my dreams are not that great

4: Did I meet anyone new today? okay really? Coronavirus people... So no

5: What I am craving? ICE CREAM

6: What do I think when you say cabbage? That I don't like cabbage.

7: Last text? It was to my friend and I said 'its okay' after she say 'sorry'

8: Bite or lick ice cream? Lick. My teeth are sooo sensitive I could never bite it.

9: Do I like my hair? Yeah I guess. I wish it didn't have so many split-ends though.

10: Do I like myself? Yeah.. I think

11: Have I ever met a celebrity? I was once close to meeting John Stamos (from Full House) and Angelica Hale (AGT) at the D.C. on forth of July

12: Do I like cottage cheese? No.

13:  What I am listening to right now? My Dear Evan Hansen playlist

14: How many countries have I visited? Lemme see.. 8? I think?

15: Are my parents strict? At times kinda, buy I would like to believe they are chill. When they are kinda strict, I know they are just wanting to do the best for me.

16: Would I go sky diving? YES! I really want to!

17: Is there anything sparkly in my room? No.. not really. I'm not a sparkly person though.

18: Who sits besides me in my math class? This guy who talks really loud. My ears hurt after that class....

19: Do I own something from Hot Topic? Nope.

20: Have I slapped someone? My brother. But I didn't hit him that hard...

21: Am I sarcastic? Yeah...  I really am...

22: Do I have any tattoos? No, and I never will.

23: Where was my default photo taken? I don't really like taking photos, but if you are taking about my Wattpad profile picture, it's a pic of my puppy.

24: Have I crawled though a window? I... Don't... Think so...

25: Have I made a prank call? Nope, but I have done prank FaceTimes and texts. Those did not go well... I'm not doing that again. You know who you are, and I'm still sorry for that btw...

Okay! Done!






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