Thirteen: First Time

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"I have to meet him?" Ells sighs. "But I'm horrible at talking to people."

The three of us are sitting in Jake's plain bedroom. The walls are cream, and there is not much decoration. His bed sits in the back corner, and his desk is in the middle of the back wall. There is a picture of the two of us on his dresser.

In the wooded-framed photo, I am wearing a gorgeous lilac dress, and Jake is in a well-fitted tuxedo. My hair was curled and almost a half a can of hairspray was keeping it in place. It was taken at the photo booth at out High school Senior prom. The jerk that I called my 'date' cancelled on me the day before, so instead of going with his friends, Jake decided to become my prom date. He even did one of those prom-posals in front of my house, with beautiful white flowers, balloons, a poster saying, "Gabi, go with me to prom!" He didn't even ask if I wanted to go, but instead he kinda forced it on me, but I am glad he did. Greatest Best-Friend Ever, am I right?

"It's okay, I'll be there with you." I tell Ells. "I'll give you a nice skirt and blouse to wear too."

"Okay..." Ells mumbles.


The next day

I'm back in the waiting room, but this time I'm not alone. Ells sits by my side, with her portfolio in hand, and her knee bobbing up and down from bubbling anxiety.

I'm wearing a velvet skirt with a white blouse. There is a golden bracelet at my wrist, a black purse at my hip, and a necklace at my throat. I'm wearing my lucky white converse, hoping to bring some luck to Ells.

Ells is in a white skirt, and a lilac knit sweater, and her hair french braided behind her ear. There is a touch of makeup on her face, and my black vans on her feet.

The clock on the wall clicks minute by minute, time feels like it's slower than ever. I can tell that Ells is scared, but she won't admit it. 

"Ms. Jones and Ms. Hart," the old lady at the desk squeaks. "Headmaster is ready for you."

While standing up, Ells and I mumble a quick 'Thank you', before making our way to the office door. I look over to Ells, and she nods, signaling for me to twist the golden door knob.

Headmaster Charleston is sitting at is desk, with his arms crossed on the desk, waiting for us.

"Hello Headmaster Charleston, I am Ellie Hart. I would like to major in your art program." Ells sits on a leather chair, across from Headmaster. I sit next to her, staying silent. 

"Good Morning, Ms. Hart. Now let me see you portfolio." He says, in a deep voice. Ells slides her folder across the desk, sits up straight, and waits for a response.

Headmaster Charleston flips through the pages. He nods showing he's impressed, as he shuts it closed.

"Ms. Hart, you may become a student here starting next semester." He tells her. Ells lets out a small squeal, trying not to jump out of her seat. "On one condition," He adds. "You will be a student here with a full scholarship." 

Ells's eyes bulge, and if they could fall out of their sockets, they would. "But, sir, I don't have a full scholarship, only a partial." She say, confused.

"I changed my mind. You are an excellent, I do not want you to worry about financial problems. And, I am surprised I did not give you a full scholarship the first time." He stands up, sticking his hand out to shake Ells's. 

"Oh, and also," Headmaster adds, "since Ms. Paris Heidi will be going abroad, you will be taking her dorm room."

Ells and I almost squeal.


"I can't believe it!" Ells screams. We are sitting at the bar at the Greenhouse. Jacob had mid-term to study for, so we went for lunch without him. 

"I can believe it." I say, taking a sip of my strawberry lemonade. "You are such a good student."

"This is the first time that someone in my family will go to college." Ells says. "I'm going to go to the bathroom, be right back." She stands ups, grabs her purse, and walks toward the back of the restaurant.

The front door opens and closes constantly, with people going in and out. It's a colder day today. Of course, living in California, no day is actually cold, but compared to other days, this one feels almost freezing. A cold breeze sends shivers down my spine. I sit straight up, wrapping my arms around my body to try to keep warm.

We should have sit somewhere else...

As I take another sip from my glass, I see a person sit down in Ells's stool. Thinking it was Ells back from the restroom, I say,

"Wow, back so quick?" I spin on my stool to face her, but I almost choke from being shocked. It's not who I thought it was sitting there.

The figure is wearing a pair of perfectly fitted, dark blue jeans, and a grey v-neck shirt. His hair is so graciously placed ontop his forehead, as if each piece was perfectly placed in its spot. His face looks concerned, mad, sad, and joyed, all at the same time.


"Gabriella," he starts. "Can we talk?" He leans closer, trying to get a response out of my stern face. my lips are sealed tight, and my eyebrows are furrowed together.

"Fine." I mumble, looking straight at my drink, trying not to make eye contact.

"That's the first time you spoke to me in weeks."



Sorry that this chapter took so long to come out, and that it is shorter than normal.

I've been trying to make it to 200 reads for a while, but, it has not happened so my self esteem is sorta down for the moment.

But... Hopefully I can make it up to you guys later!

As normal, Vote, Comment, Follow, but above all, Please Share!!!


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