Ten: Mystery Girl

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"Who are you? Why did you do that for me?" I blabber. The mystery girl does not answer, but instead drags me by the wrist as we run. She looks behind us, checking that the three guys are not now conscious and following us. She pulls me though glass double doors.

I look around, there are slushie machines lined against the back wall, along with standing coolers filled with sodas and other beverages. Food, gum, and little trinkets fill the isles, and there are racks of baseball hats, visors, sunscreen, and those straws with plastic mustaches attached to the top.

The doors behind us slams shut with the wind. Mystery Girl quickly locks it, and then pulls down the blinds on the door.

Well this is getting creepy real fast...

She spins on heels, pulling her black hood from off her face. Shoulder-length brown hair surrounds her oval face, it's dark at the roots, and light at the tips. Her eyes are grey, and each time the light hits them, they look like they sparkle.

"I am Ellie, but please, call me Ells." She sits on the counter. "And you are...?"

"I'm Gabirella."

"Okay, and you are welcome for me saving your ass back there."

"Okay... " I start. "Why did you lock the door and shut the blinds? Why did you bring me here?"

"Because the store is closed, and I brought you here because I needed to grab my stuff; I work here."

Ells pulls her legs up to her chest, spins around, and jumps behind the counter. Her finger fool around under the counter until she pulls up a backpack. She slams it onto the counter.

It is a camping backpack, with a sleeping bag attached to the bottom, and empty plastic milk jugs hooked on to the side. I'm guessing the inside is full of food, water, and other things.

"Oh! Are you going camping?" I ask.

"I guess you could call it that." Ells mumbles, hoisting the bag on her back.

"What do you mean?"

She leans forward, resting her palms on the counter.

"I'm homeless."

My hands shoot to my mouth, shocked. "Oh no! Why?"

"Hmm... I don't know... Because I don't have a home?" Ells says sarcastically, walking to the back door. A few paces behind, I follow her.

The door leads to a small, back alley, filled with smelly dumpsters, and litter that people have thrown to the floor. Ells walks back around to the front of the store, shutting off the glowing 'open' sign. The street is dark, with only a few lights gleaming through the closed blinds of shops. She turns around, looking back at me, and says,

"Why are you out here this late? I don't think I should leave you out here alone."

"Oh," I respond, "I'm a student at Stanford and I should probably head back... Which direction is it?"

Ells runs her fingers through her hair and sighs deeply. "It's eight miles away, in that direction," She points behind her. I start walking but she puts her hand on my shoulder, indicating for me not to leave quite yet. She laughs, at something I don't understand, and says,

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