Sixteen: Home Sweet Home

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I deeply missed my little home town, McTannley. With only a single little high school, two diners, and a population of just 1,000; everyone seems to knows everyone. It is like we're all one massive family. The only downfall is that everyone knows everything. They know who is where, who is with who, who cheated on who, but truthfully, I can't think of a better place to grow up.

While passing different places full of my memories, the gates back to my childhood open again. We drive past the centerpiece of the town: Pattinson Park. The pool which I learned how to swim at. The red slide which I fell off of when I was seven and broke my ankle. The tall tree which I had my first kiss under. The graduation party at the end of senior year, laughing with friends until daybreak.

Soon enough, my little, white, childhood home comes into view. The red shutters on the windows and a matching roof sitting on top of the two-floor structure are just like I remember. The windows are newly cleaned, as well as the brick walkway making its way to the red front door.

The front garden is blooming, with flowers and plants of all different colors, shapes, and sizes growing. In the middle of the gleaming green grass is a white, poster-board sign standing up straight with the help of two metal spikes. In big, bright purple lettering, and sparks of gold glitter framing it, the sign says:

"Welcome home Gabi!"

Right away, I know the sign is the work of my little sister, Luna. Laughing, I point to the small black handwriting at the bottom, showing it to Jake and Ells. It says:

"oh, and Jake too..."

As we pull into my driveway, a flood of childhood memories flood back. Jake and I talking for hours up sitting in the huge tree. Playing on the small swing set my dad made when I was five. Having tea parties on the front lawn with all my stuffed animals. (And Jake joined sometimes too)

Before I can even shut the car door, Luna comes running out of the house, screaming.

"Gabi! Gabi! You're home!" She bombards me with a huge, tight hug.

Luna's blonde hair is tied back in two perfect dutch braids with indigo streaks weaving its way throughout. Wearing fishnet tights underneath her ripped denim shorts, and having her deep purple tank-top tied above her waist, she looks older than ever.

"Woah there Luna, I was gone for only four months, and now you look so grown-up? When did this happen?" I say. She smiles, tucking a strand of run-away hair behind her ear.

"I don't know really, I wanted a change." Says Luna. Nodding, I pull Ells by the hand to stand next to me.

"Ells, meet Luna. Luna, meet Ells." They both exchange 'hello's, and then Jake sneaks behind Luna, and pulls her into a hug. Jake is like the brother Luna never had growing up, they are also quite close, but Luna still sometimes pretend to not enjoy his company.

"Jake!" squeals Luna, turning around to hug him back. I smile at their reunion, go back to the car, and open the trunk to grab my duffle bag. After me, Ells and Jake do the same, and follow me up the steps to the house.

As we enter the front door, I am blasted with a gust of cold air from the air conditioner and the sweet smell of home-made brownies.

I take a deep breath in, collecting my thoughts. I slide off my black vans, and push them against the wall. As I walk farther into the house, the happier I am to be home.

The living space looks different from when I left. The walls are still the same shade of light blue, and the picture frames hanging are in the same spots, but the furniture has been moved. Instead of on a console table, the TV is now bolted to the wall, with a adjustable frame change its direction slightly. My dad's favorite leather chair is at a diagnal from the TV, with the couch parallel from it instead. I drop my bag on the floor besides the chair.

I spin around to face the kitchen. The walls are still painted a faint yellow, and the countertops are newly cleaned. Just like I suspected, there is a clear pan of freshly-cooked brownies sitting atop the stove.

"Welcome home honey." A deep voice says from behind me. Startled, I almost jump out of my skin, thinking that Ells, Jake, and I were the only people in the house.

My dad is leaning against the door frame leading to his office. He is still in sweatpants and a t-shirt, showing that he did not have to go to work today. With a huge smile on his face, he opens his arms up for a hug, and I bolt towards him.

"Dad!" I say so loudly it's almost scream, wrapping my arms around him. "I thought you had a flight today?!"

He chuckles, "I wanted to surprise you."

I loosen my grip and Dad opens his arms to Jake, smiling.

"How are you doing, son?" They quickly do that bro-hug thing.

"I'm good Mr. Jones."

"Please, Jake, we have been over this for years. You know you should call me Rob." Dad pats him on his shoulder, and then looks to Ells.

"You must be Ells. I've heard a lot about you." Ells and Dad hug slightly.

"Yes, thanks for letting me crash at your lovely home, Mr. Jones. I don't really have any family to go home to." Ells says, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"I'll talk to you later, Dad. We going to get Ells set up in my room." I give Dad one last hug, then I hoist my bag back on to my shoulder. Grabbing Ells by the arm, I pull her besides me to my room on the second floor.

Ells is first in shock when I grab her; her facial expression is fantastic. Jake laughs, and follows behind us up the stairs.

My room is the last one down the hall. It's not the biggest room; Dad's and Luna's are both bigger than mine. On the plus side though, I have my own bathroom connected, so I don't have to share.

The walls are painted a faded purple. With my bunk-beds and bookshelf against one wall, and my desk and dresser, the space feels a little small.

"Well this is it." I say, dropping my bag on the bottom bunk.

"I love it!" Ells runs her fingers over the dresser, taking it all in. Jake plops on my bed, kicking his feet up.

"We should go to the pool. It's open all year long so it would not be closed." Says Jake.

"Yeah!" Agrees Ells. "Gabi, do you have a bathing suit I can use?"

"Yup!" I open the bottom drawer of my wooden dresser and pull out a white bikini.

"I'll go to my house first, say hi to the parents and my sister, then I will meet you guys back here." Jake says, standing up.

"Alrighty." I say. Once Jake starts to make the trek to his house next door, Ells goes into the bathroom to change, and I pull out a blue bikini for myself.

After I get changed, I brush my hair into a high bun, and slide on a pair of white sandals. I toss a towel, my wallet, phone, and sunglasses into a shoulder bag, and wait for Ells to be ready.

Soon enough, Ells appears with the bikini in, looking stunning as always. Her hair was quickly pulled back into one Dutch braid, and a pair of cute sandals on her feet.

"Woah! You look better in that than I do!" I complement her.


Once Jake meets us in our front yard, we are ready to go. He's in a pair of green and blue shorts, and his sandals, with a pair on sunglasses on and a towel thrown over his shoulders.

Ells rushes out of the door, and Jake's jaw drops. He tries massively to hide it, but he's stunned. A pair of nice sunglasses covers her eyes, and heart necklace sways at her neck.

"Ells... You... Uh..." He mumbles, trying not to hardcore blush. She tries not to laugh at his childish reaction, and sits in the front seat.

With my two best friends with me, I know that this will be the best holiday ever. Nothing could be better than this.



There is going to be a Q/A at the end of the book! Please write your questions soon, it can be as a comment on this chapter, or a message to me. You can ask anything! About me, my profile, upcoming but books, this book, the characters, etc!

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