Two: Junior Mentor

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"You go here?" Greyson questions me as he takes another step into the dorm.

"Nope. I just moved all my stuff into this dorm so I could be kicked out later. Yes, stupid, I go here. Didn't Jake tell you anything?" I respond to him with a sarcastic tone.

Paris steps back with a confused look settled on her face.

"How do you guys know each other?" And who's Jake?"

Greyson looks at Paris and then back at me.

"Jacob Fox is my younger brother. Gabi and I have known each other from the day she was born." Greyson tells Paris while still looking at me straight in the eyes.

"Oh! Jacob as in the Jacob who was here earlier today?" Questions Paris. She steps forward to look Greyson closer.

"But you look nothing alike."

"Genetics are weird sometimes." Greyson still doesn't take his eyes off of mine.


Greyson looks nothing like Jake. While Jake has curly, light brown hair, with floofly bangs, Greyson's hair is such a dark brown that it's almost black. He has straight long bangs that he swoops to the side, and shaggy style altogether.

Greyson's eyes have always captured my attention. The icy blue glow has my my heart wrapped around them forever.

Jake's eyes are dark green. While yes, they still are indearing for many people, they don't please me like Greyson's do.

Both Fox sons are tall. Greyson towers  over me with 6 feet and 4 inches of hotness.

Jake is 6 feet tall. Which is still tall, but not like Greyson.


"Okay... Here is my number. As your Mentor you are able to text me if you need help getting adjusted to this environment." Greyson sighs while he hands us each a green sticky note.

He starts to back up out of the dorm when he says to Paris, "Nice to meet you..."

"Paris!" She finishes his sentence.

"...Paris... And you to Gab. We should catch up sometime."

"Mkay," I respond with a soft voice.

He gives me a sincere smile and shuts the door.

I walk back to my room with my rosy cheeks gleaming.


About 35 minutes later my room is finished. The bookshelf is covered with colorful books and fake plants. My bed is in the center of the back wall. The blue blanket covers the mattress and a painting of a tree hang on the wall.

I sit at my desk and look at the green sticky note. I reach for the paper but I pull my hand back before it gets too close.

Should I?

I grab the paper and pull my phone out of my pocket. I open 'Contacts' and put his number in.

Then I throw the note away.

The next morning


I knock on the door and take a step back. When the door opens it not the face I was expecting. He's tall and skinny, with short blonde hair. His hair is messed up and flateded on one side giving the effect of having bed-head. He rubs his eyes with one hand and yawns. Once he looks at me a grin apears across his face. He stands up straight and tries to fix is hair a tad.

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