Fifteen: Tears

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Hey! Sorry that I put this at the top, I had to know you guys read this. This book is coming to an end in a few chapters, and I need some feedback. Only one or two of y'all have messaged me with ideas, and I am so grateful for you.

I have decided I would do a Q/A after the book is complete, so please, if you have any questions, lemme know! You can ask in the comment section, or ask me separately.

The questions can be about what happens to the characters after the book ends, the book in general, or just about me! I do want to answer anything you have, but if I don't feel comfortable answering your question, sorry, I won't answer.

Please ask questions, and they will be answered then!

Enjoy the chapter! ❤️


It has been weeks since that awkward conversation with Greyson at the Greenhouse. I did forgive him, and I am starting to trust him more.

Christmas break is sneaking up on ester almost complete. I am going home for the week off. My little, fourteen-year-old sister, sister, Luna, has been texting me non-stop for the last few days. She says she is tired of being the only girl in the house. 

My family consists of me, Luna, my dad, and our 8-year-old Golden Retriever, Romeo. My mom has been out of the picture since I was five. She died of cancer. Dad, on the other hand though, is a pilot, so he is rarely home.

Each Christmas, Dad is usually hundreds of feet in the air, and Luna, Romeo, and I are sitting at home, alone. Ever since I can remember, we have spent Christmas at Jake's house, with his loving family.

So, the day before, Christmas Eve, is spent with dad, at home, opening presents, eating lots of food, and just being with one another.


"Do you think I should pack a bathing suit?" Ells ask, stuffing a pair of jean shorts in her backpack. This year, Ells is coming home with Jake and I, and the three of us will have the best holiday break ever.

"Nah," I say. "I have stuff you can wear." I fall onto my bed behind me. My suitcase is already packed, and the only thing left I have to do is to grab food for the car ride. 

"So... What's the deal with you in Greyson? Are you guys back together yet? It has been weeks since you had last talked about him." Ells grabs her phone off the desk, and plops in my chair, spinning in circles.

"We are getting there. We have not actually gone out since the Camilla incident."

"I bet you want to though." Ells mumbles. She stands up, 

"What... What do you mean 'Back Together'?"  A voice mumbles from the doorway. Ells and I both jump up from our seats to see Jake standing in the living room. His duffle bag is strung over his shoulder, and bag of snacks from the convenience store in his hand. His face is turning red, and his eyes look like they are on the brink of tears. 

"Jake!" I almost scream from shock. "I can explain." I try to calm him.

"You were going out with my brother?" Tears start to roll down his cheeks. Not knowing what to say, I give a slight nod, wrapping my arms around myself.

"There is only one rule... And you find away to break it." He says. "I trusted you, Gabriella." He runs out of the dorm, slamming the door behind him.

What he said runs through my mind over and over.

There is only one rule and you found a way to break it.

Did I just lose my best friend? We agreed on something, and I did not follow. I lied to him for five whole months. I am the worst friend ever.

I look back at Ells, pissed. If she didn't say anything, Jake would not have to learn this way.

I slide my Converse on, and chase after him, hoping that I have the chance to explain.

I first stop by his dorm, pounding on the door. After awhile, Jake's roommate, Mark, answers.

"Hello there my gorgeous Gabrie-" He starts, before I have the chance to cut him off.

"Shush." I say, rolling my eyes quickly. "Is Jake here? Don't lie to me either, this is important. And if you do, I have a friend, Ells, who would be more than thrilled to make you feel pain, only if needed though."

With a strained look on his face, he responds short, and sharp, "No, he's not here."

I say a quick "Thank You", and run off. Taking the stairs two at a time, I try to think of where else he would be.

The Cafe!

I bolt to the small cafe at the corner of the street. the only thing I can hear is the pitter-patter of my shoes hitting the cement, in the loud beating of my heart through my chest. I do not want to lose my best friend.

Through the tall glass windows, I see Jake sitting at our normal table, with his hands covering his eyes and his elbows propped on his knees.

Slowing to a walk, I try to gather my thoughts and figure out what I'm going to explain to him.

I slowly open the wooden door, and turn my head to the side to see Jake. He does not even look up at me. I carefully sit across from Jake, not taking my eyes off of him.

"Let me explain..." I say, trying to stay calm. He tries to stand and walk away, but I put my hand on his shoulder. He looks at me, mad, and sits back down.

"We had one rule, Gabi, and you found a way to break it. What else is there to explain? You dated my brother! I don't even know what to say." He says, pissed, trying not to make a scene.

"I was going to tell you," I say. "I wanted to tell you, but I did not know how. I knew you were going to be mad, I do not want that to happen for the rest of our lives." But your two drips from my eyes, before I can get too far I wipe them off with the back of my hand.

"Why didn't you tell me then? By lying to me for the past five months, you have just made the situation worse." Jake says, trying to hold back a waterfall of tears.


People around us may think that we are very emotional, and that Jake is crying for a very stupid reason. Truthfully that's not the case. He has a hard time trusting people, and now he believes that he can't even trust his best friend.


"I know you do not want to hear this, but I need to tell you. I have liked Greyson for years. And I'm not going to stop. Even if you don't enjoy the thought of me being with him, I need you to understand." I try him. "I am sorry. I truly am. I do not want to hurt you like this, and I do not want to end our friendship over this."

Jake wipes his tears off his face with his hoodie, and nods in agreement. "I want to be your friend, even if I have to live with you and Greyson being together. even if I do hate the thought of my brother kissing my best friend." He chuckles as he says the last part.

"And to be honest," I say, standing up, "I would hate the thought of my best friend kissing my brother, too." I say sarcastically.

"Your brother? I would never kiss Romeo! He is a dog for goodness sake!" Jake laughs, standing up, and coming in for a hug.

A huge weight lifted off my chest when he forgave me. I don't think I could have lived any longer knowing but I was lying to my best friend. Jake will always be there for me, no matter what. I should have known that he would have trusted me, and that he would not be mad at me forever.

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