Four: The Greenhouse

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"What do you mean by 'it's a bar'? He knows I would never go to a bar! I'm not 21!" I scream.

"Oh hun. I think that's the point." He responds, placing his hand on my shoulder.


"I think he's testing you, trying to see how far you would go for him."

"But why?"

He sighs, and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Are you actually blind? He obviously likes you!" He remarks.

"Oh? Well then I got to go! How do you get there?"

"Take a left out of the front entrance, the turn right on Lincoln Street. Second building on the left."


"Oh I'm Philip."

"Thanks Philip!" I say running off. "Oh! I'm Gabriella!"

I take the turns that Phillip told me to, and about 25 minutes later, I reach The Greenhouse. I slide in through the front entrance to see how beautiful it is inside. There is a green glass roof, and a rustic vibe altogether. The wooden floors are worn down from many years of people dancing, and there is a mural on the back wall of a gigantic lion. The themes of the place sorta collide, but I love it. I look at my phone in my hand.

7:40 pm

I look around for someone with Greyson's physique, and I see one person sitting at the bar, with his back towards me. Hes wearing a blue, long sleeve shirt, and dark blue jeans. I walk up behind him, and casually sit down. He tilts his head slightly to look at me, and grins.

"I was starting to think you weren't gonna' come." Greyson musters. 

"What are we doing here?" I ask, straight to the point.

"What do you mean? I'm being a good Mentor, and checking up on my lil' freshman." He chuckles. 

"Oh. Yes, at a bar of course." I sarcastically return.

"Yeah! It's true!" He spins on his stool to face me. "Why don't you believe me?" He sounds like a five-year old. I shrug my shoulders and turn my stool so our knees our touching. I'm expecting for him to pull away, but he doesn't. 

"C'mon, I want to take you somewhere. I mean, as you mentor." He grabs my arms and pulls me out of my stool. I follow his lead. He takes me to his black Jeep Wrangler. 

"Sit." He demands.

"Woah there, I ain't your dog!"

"Please?" He adds. I sigh and sit in the passenger seat. Greyson starts the car, and were off.

"Where are we going?" I question. I trust Greyson, I mean, I've known him all my life. He chuckles and shakes his head.

"You'll see."

About twenty minutes later, we pull up into a gravel parking lot, in the middle of the woods. He stops the engine, gets out of the car, and comes around to my side, opening the door for me. I causally set out of the car, giving Greyson a concerned look. I follow Greyson into the woods, on a little path, probably about two feet wide. We make it to an opening in the trees, a huge pond, with a little wood dock. He walks to the edge of the dock, and stares at the water. 

"Isn't it beautiful?" He asks me, while continuing to not takes his eyes off the nature.

"Yeah... Do you take all of your 'mentees' here?" 

"I only come here alone. I don't wanna ruin its beauty." He mumbles. He spins around, smiles at me and takes off his shirt. His six pack temps me to come closer, but I know I can't.

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