Six: Different

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Four Days Later

Jake still has no idea about Greyson and I. I know I need to tell him, but I don't want to ruin what I have with Greyson, whatever that may be. I also don't want to ruin my forever-lasting friendship with Jake.

I'm so selfish, right? Not caring for my best friend's feelings because I know if I do, I won't be able to have what I want. I'm such a horrible friend, but at least Jake doesn't know that I'm horrible... right?


College is not what it looks like in the movies. On TV, students almost never have to write 16 page essays, or study for countless hours each day. 


I look up from my glowing laptop screen and grab my phone out of my back pocket to see what the notification was from. It's Jake texting me.

I click the app on the bottom left corner of my screen and then open up the message to see the text thread.

Jake: Hey u wanna go to the Corner Cafe

Gabi: Yes pls I need to get away from this essay

Jake: Okay ill pick you up in 5

I save my work on the computer, and shut it closed. As I stand up, my thigh hits the desk, making my glass of water tilt. I try to catch it, but it's too late, and the glass spills over the edge, drenching my favorite blue hoodie and grey sweatpants.

"Oh c'mon..." I mumble. I set my glass back on my desk, and move my laptop out of the splash zone, checking to make sure it didn't get wet.

As I walk over to my laundry basket, I peel off my soaked clothes. I rummage through my dresser,tying to find something acceptable to wear. I end up choosing a pair of black leggings and a grey Nike crop top. I grab my phone, wallet and earbuds, and throw them into my black mini-backpack. 

Just then Jake knocks on the door, so I slide on my Converse and scream,

"Coming!" I toss the bag over my shoulder as I run to the door.

"Hey Jake!" I walk out of the dorm and carefully shut the door behind me.

"Ready?" I ask, starting to walk down the stairs.

"Uh. Yeah." Jake starts to follow me.

When we reach the city, I finally take in all its glory. I've never really payed any attention to the buildings, every time I'm in the town, it is either night, or I and rushing to go somewhere, and I don't have the time to look at the beautiful scenery.

The buildings are beautiful. Each building have a different style the first one, one next to the Corner Cafe has white marble walls, and a glowing cursive sign above the glass double doors. Another store has sandstone walls, and with maroon awnings hanging on the front wall. And another store, that I believe is a t-shirt custom shop, is made from black-painted bricks, that has a huge hand-painted graffiti tiger across the wall. It is gorgeous! 

We walk into the Cafe, and claim the table next to the glass window showing the University's Dormitory. 

"What do you want to order? I'll wait in line for us." Asks Jake as I sit down in the yellow egg chair.

"Um..." I respond. "I don't care you can pick." I pull my phone and earbuds out of my bag and go to the music app. As I push the buds into my ears, I click my 'Favorites' playlists. The playlist mostly consists of songs for musicals including Wicked, Six, and Dear Evan Hansen, but also some of my childhood favorites too, like songs from Mulan, and the Wizard of Oz.


I am a huge musical fan. Not just Broadway plays, but movies and shows too.

Ever since I was a kid, I loved that in musicals people just broke out into song, and everyone else just joined in, like everything is normal.

For many people, that's what bothers them. Because singing your heart out in the middle of class, or even at war, isn't convinced 'normal' and 'no one does it in real life.

Well sorry musical hatters, but life would boring without a little flash-mob now and then.


"Gabi? Are you okay?" Jake shakes my shoulder gently, looking at me with concerned eyes.

My head jumps back to reality, and I sit back up in my seat.

"Uh. Yeah!" I reach for what I suppose is my drink, a large strawberry frappuccino. I take a little sip and my eyes widen.

"Ooo! I like this!" I take another sip, but this time it's not tiny, it's definitely a gulp.

Jake laughs at me reaction and says,
"Okay, but seriously, I can tell somethings up. You seem... Different."

"Like I said, I'm fine. Actually no, I'm better than fine, I'm fantastic!" I respond, with a miniscule harshness in my voice.

"Okay..." Jake says, rasing his hands like he surrenders. "But something is on your mind. I know it because you didn't even make fun of my horrible haircut."

I look up and study his hair. It's not long and curly like normal, the sides and almost shaved, and the top is cut off the only about an inch left.

I gasp covering my mouth with one hand.

"Bro! That's hiddeous!" I exclaim, reaching out to feel it. Luckily, it is still as soft as... Well.. nothing is as soft as Jake's hair. I don't know how he does it, but it has always been incredibly soft.

"Shhh." Jake whispers, placing his hands on his head. "Don't call my hair hideous to its face!"

"Are you sure there isn't anything you're hiding from me?" He grabs his drink, and leans back in his chair, plastering a stern glare over his just-a-second-ago happy grin.

"Yeah, I'm sure." I take another gulp of my drink. I give a smile, and look at my phone.

"Oh shoot! I have to go! I got a essay due tomorrow!" I exclaim, stands up from my chair. I shove my phone and earbuds back into my bag, and walk to the other side of the table. I kiss Jake on top of his head.

"Thanks for this. I'll make it up to you! Love you!" I say, walking out the door.

I sigh, and start walking back to my dorm.

Man, that was close. He can't know.

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