Eleven: Questions

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I try to walk right past Greyson, and into my dorm, but he stands and grabs my wrist before I have a chance.

"Gabi..." He mumbles. I pull out his grip and open the door. I don't make eye contact with him while I pull Ells inside. Before he has a chance to say anything else, I slam the door in his face.

I can't listen to him right now. No matter how amazing his excuse is, it will never be able to make up for this. It can't make up for how much he hurt me.

I pretend that didn't just happen. I pretend that That Jerk wasn't there. I lock the door behind us, and turn on the lights.

"Well this is it. Home sweet home." I kick my shoes off next to the door and glance behind me to see Ells looking at me confused.

"What was that all about?" Ells points to the front door. She drops her huge backpack on the floor besides the couch, and fixes her hair into a low bun.

"That was Greyson. That jerk I told you about." She rolls her eyes, as if Greyson could see her, and mumbles,

"That lil' bitc- And he thinks he can just come here?" She pushes her lips together in disgust. "Oh, I'll get him for what he did to you!" Her hands tighten into fists, and just as her hand touches the doorknob, I get there to stop her.

"Don't, please. I hate Greyson right now, and probably always will hate him, but he is my Best Friend's Brother, I can't have you beat him up. Even if I really want you too." Her hand drops back to her side, and she slouches as she follows me to the bedroom.

"Just as this day was getting good..." She mumbles, jokingly.

Ells sits on my bed just as I throw my bag on my pillow. I pull my phone to plug it in too, since it has been dead for many hours. I tie my hair up into a ponytail as I open my closet. After searching though piles of unfolded clothes, I pull out a crop t-shirt and black sweatpants. I give them to Ells and say,

"Here, you can change into something clean; These will most likely fit you well."

"Thanks!" She grabs the collar of her shirt, and sniffs it. Her nose scrunches up, and her eyes squint. "Yeah, these are disgusting." She takes the clothes from my arms, but before she walks away I cut in.

"Actually..." I grab my shower caddy, a clean towel, and my ID card and hand them to Ells. "The Bathroom and Showers are down the hall on the right. I'm guessing you would want to clean up too, if you want to, I mean."

Her eyes bulge a little from shock, and then a genuine smile appears across her face. "What would I do without you?" She laughs sarcastically. "Thank you!"


My clothes stink as well, which makes since after being outside for hours. I change into a pair of black Adidas sweatpants and a blue, sleeveless, Nike shirt.

I tie my hair into a messy bun and plop down at my desk. As I open my Laptop, my phone starts ringing from my desk. I sigh, walking to grab it. The caller ID reads 'Jake'.

Wincing, I click the green button and pull the phone to my ear. I don't want to talk to him, but if I don't answer he would be even more worried.

"Hello?" I quietly mumble.

"Where have you been!" A scared voice yells in my ear. I pull the phone away; its so loud that I'm afraid my ear drum would burst. As I slowly draw my arm back in, the voice starts talking at a little-louder-than-normal volume instead. He probably heard me wince through the phone. "You have been missing for over twenty-four hours! I almost called the police for a missing person!" I can hear the fear in his voice. It's a little raspy, like he's been crying.

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