Seventeen: A New Love

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Dad had to leave for a flight early Christmas morning. So as tradition, Luna, Romeo, and I went to the Fox's home to celebrate with them.

As a family with four kids, two parents, and a dog, their house is much larger than ours.

The brick building looks spotless from having a maid work there for years. The windows are clean and the morning sun glistens and reflects. The front yard has been newly mowed, and the garden full of freshly planted beautiful flowers.

Before I even get the chance to knock, Mrs. Fox opens the door up wide, with a grin plastered across her face.

Her hair is tied back with many bobby pins, and a red and white striped apron is tied around her tired body. Splotches of batter, flour, and milk are covering her cheeks and hands, from hours of non-stop baking.

Each year on Christmas, Mrs. Fox gets up before the sun rises to bake. It is her own tradition. From sugar cookies to strawberry cupcakes, from chocolate brownies to two-tier red velvet cakes, she bakes every thinkable desert.

The whole Fox family comes from around the country to reunite at Christmas time.

"Gabi!" Mrs. Fox says, wiping hard hands on her apron. "I've not seen you in ages! Come here!" She opens her arms up for a hug.

"Hi Mrs. Fox" I say, melting into her arms willingly.

"And Luna, nice to see you again sweetheart." She says, going to hug Luna. "Have I told you lately how much I adore your hair?"

Luna laughs, twirling her fingers at the tips of her gorgeous locks. "Yeah, I believe so."

Luna, Romeo, and I follow Mrs. Fox into the house, sliding our shoes off and placing them in the coat closet.

There are kids running around with toys, the uncles and granddads watching the football game on the TV, and the aunts and grandmothers chatting in the kitchen and living room with cups of tea or coffee in hand.

Luna unclips Romeo from his leash, and he automatically goes to the kitchen to be petted by the aunts, and to look for scraps of food. I know he loves being here, because of all the attention he gets.

Luna runs downstairs to the kids her age, after placing the presents under the tree. I go upstairs to Jake's room, where Ells was already.

Ells came over to the Fox's house about ten minutes before me, since I had to finish wrapping the presents.

Jake's room is the last door at the end of the hallway. There is a red "danger" sign on his door. I got it for him for our 13th birthday.

I knock on the wooden door and wait for a response; he says nothing, so I open the door.

My jaw drops. I am shocked at what I see.

Ells and Jake are standing in the middle of the room, intertwined with one another. Their lips are pressed together, and their arms are wrapped around each other.

Standing there awkwardly, I cough, trying to get their attention. They jump back from one another, trying to hide the fact that I caught them.

"Oh! Uh.. Hey Gabi..." Jake stutters, rubbing the back of his neck.

"First of all," I say, acting like I did not witness anything. "Merry Christmas, Jake." He blushes, ashamed. "Second of all, I've been waiting for this day to come for a while. So congrats you two." I smile, backing up.

Ells blushes, crossing her arms over her chest. "Thanks.." She mumbles. Jake inches closer to Ells, and puts his hand in hers.

"I'll let you guys be alone. I'll be in the yard." I back up into the hallway and shut the door. Smiling, I walk back downstairs.

I slide back on my shoes, and open the sliding glass door to the back yard. The yard looks over the beach, and is only a quick five minute walk to the water.

I start making my way farther and farther away from the Christmas party, and getting closer to the beach.

All throughout our childhood, Jake and I would come to our certain spot at the beach and sit and talk for hours. Our spot is quite far from the water, but you can still hear the waves in the distance.

Ploping down in the sand, I slide off my shoes, take a deep breath, and close my eyes. I listen to the waves, the wind, and the tree branches swaying behind me.

I could sit like this for hours on end, it's so peaceful out here. The wind in my hair, the smell of salt from the ocean, the feel of sand between my toes...

"Gabi?" I voice says from behind me.

"How did you know I was here?" I say. I don't open my eyes or move at all.

The sand underneath me moves, indicating that the figure sat besides me.

I open my eyes and look to my left.

Greyson is wearing a green 'grinch' shirt and a pair of red shorts. His dark hair flows with the wind, and his eyes are squinted from the blaring sunlight.

"Please," Greyson says. "You were always sitting here growing up. I couldn't find you at the house and I know this is the first place you would go."

"Okay." I rest my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes again. Greyson's hand inches into mine, and he wraps his fingers around mine.

"There is something I want to give you, without all of my judgemental relatives swarming us." He says. He grabs a long, white box from behind him and hands it to me.

The box is beautiful. Fancy-looking white wrapping paper, and a shiny sliver ribbon laced around it.

I glance up at Greyson, and smile. He looks so happy sitting here with me.

Carefully, I open the gift, to find a black box inside; the type of box that has jewelry inside.

Inside is a gorgeous golden necklace. It has a small matching golden charm in the shape of two interlinking hearts. My jaw drops at the sight, I've never had a necklace so beautiful.

"This... Is beautiful, Greyson. I love it." I say, blushing. He takes the necklace from out of the box and unclips it. Pulling my hair from off my neck, he strings it around me, and then pulls me into a high from behind.

He sets his head on my shoulder and closes his eyes. I shut my eyes as well, only listening to our heartbeats.

After minutes of sitting there with him, I spin around to look him in the face. I never really noticed how handsome he is up close. His long, dark eyelashes and the ice blue color of his eyes. The little lines on his cheeks from smiling. The way his hair falls onto his forehead so perfectly.

I pull him into a kiss, wrapping my arms around him. There is so much passion, so much devotion, so much love.



Hey! As the book is coming to an end, I would like to remind you guys of my upcoming Q/A at the end of the novel.

Please ask me questions, about characters, the book, or just anything in general. :)

You can ask in the comment section or message me separately.


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