Fourteen: Forgive and Forget

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He started at the very beginning. When he first met that jerk named Camilla. I tried to tell him to stop; I did not want to listen to their sickening love story. Sadly, though, Greyson insisted on me listening to what he had to say.

"We met in my Physics Lecture Hall." He starts, looking right in my eyes. "We became acquaintances since we sat near each other."

I take another sip of my lemonade. Ells was taking a mighty long time in the bathroom.

Come save me Ells, please...

Like speak of the devil, an alert pops up on my phone from Ells. It's a text;


ELLS: I see that ur with Greyson... I'ma go back to the dorm, let u be 😉

Gabi: Noooo don't leave me alone!!!

ELLS: You have spent enough time dwelling, see what he has to say

Gabi: Fine


"Hello? Are you even listen?" I look up from my phone, back up at Greyson. Dropping my phone into my lap, I take another sip of lemonade.

"Mhm," I mumble.

"Fine." He says. "Since you are bored I'll cut this short. I never kissed Camilla back. She threw it on me, but I pushed her off." He sets his hand in my knee. "I did not want her to kiss me."

I almost grunt. Like I would ever believe that. Greyson was the biggest playboy growing up. It seemed like he had a new girl attached to his hip each week. Why would he change now? Why would he change for me?

"Yeah... Sure..." I mumble, not making eye contact. He grabs the top of my stool and spins it, so I am facing him. I try looking away, but he puts his hand on my cheek, making me look at him.

His eyes are full of pain. The ends are creased, as if from crying, and the bags underneath are so dark they are almost fully black and blue.

Is he telling the truth?

"If what you are saying is true-" I start.

"It is true." Greyson cuts me off.

"Then why did I not see you pull away? It looked like you did not mind it." 

He pauses for a moment, pressing his lips together in uncertainty. He does not know what to say. This is not helping his case at all.

"I... I don't know." Greyson mumbles. He looks down to his feet, ashamed. "But, I care about you Gabi. I would never want to do something like this to you."

"Why am I even mad?" I ask, starting to blabble. "We were not actually together. You go can around kiss who ever you want; there is not reason it would bother me." I stand up from my stool, place a ten dollar bill on the counter, and start to walk towards the doors. Greyson stands as well, following close behind me.

"I was just another one of your side chicks." I say, throwing my hands up in the air. Before they can reach my sides again, my left wrist gets caught in a strong grasp.

Greyson's grasp.

I spin around, about to pull away, but then before I can, he places his other hand gently on my shoulder.

"You were not, and never will be, a 'side chick'." He sincerely tells me. "Please, forgive me Gabi."

I shrug, making his hand slide off to my side, and pull out of his tight grasp. I wrap my arms around me, shivering, as it is still freezing in here, especially because they have the A.C. on.

"Fine. But, things are not going straight back to the way they were. I still don't fully trust you yet." I spin around, sticking my hand into my purse, fishing for my phone to call Ells to pick me up, as I really do not want to walk. Tapping the black screen, hoping it will turn on, I make my way to the exit.

C'mon... Turn on stupid phone...

It's dead. Why is my phone always dead when I need it most? I really need to start charging it at night.

Making that mental note, I start walking back to the dorms. The street is quiet, which is unusual. The only noise is my own breathing, the faint blabber of people taking from inside the Greenhouse, and the sound of a pair of shuffling feet coming from behind me. I sigh, knowing who it is.

He just won't quit, will he?

"Let me take you home, Gabi!" Greyson says, catching up to me. "I know you hate this type of weather." His voice is staggered and you can tell he was out of breath. The mist and foggy air makes it hard to breathe when running. I was not even walking that fast... How in the world is he out of breath?

"I'm fine." I start walking faster, trying to give him a hint.

"Please." He follows me. "Its the least I could do."

I spin around to look him straight in the eyes.

"You know what? Fine. But this does not change what I told you earlier. I just hate the fog."

He smiles as he leads me to his car.


"He what?!?" Ells almost screams. We are sitting in the living room, eating chips, as I catch her up on what happened after she so rudely ditched me.

"He wants me to just forgive him." I say, shoving another barbeque chip into my mouth.

"Oh... That jerk..." She mumbles.

"It's fine." I tell her. "I forgave him. Its not like we were even together. I'm still pissed though."



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Sorry this chapter was short again... I'll try to make it up to y'all...

Also, from now on, I will try to post a new chapter every week Either on Mondays or Tuesdays! (TBD)

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