Q/A Responses

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Hello! Thank you so much for sticking with me and my book till the very end! I especially want to give a huge thanks to one of my best friends, flowerpainter515, for sticking by my side this whole time; I could not have done this without her. 

Now, thank you for those of you who ask me questions for this Q/A! Let's get right into it!

1. Where am I from?

     I am from the state of Michigan in the good ole' U.S.A.

2. How did I get into writing?

     Well for most of my life I've loved writing. I like the idea that so many people can be inspired by something that can from your imagination. 

     But if we are talking about writing on Wattpad, my best friend made me get the app to read her book, but then I got addicted and started my own book. My first book; I took it down a while ago, but maybe I'll re-upload it?? (Let me know if you would want to read it) 

3. Where did I get the idea of the book "Best Friend's Brother"?

     Many people believe that this book was inspired by the movie, "The Kissing Booth". But, that is not actually the case. I have a friend, who I've known all my life. He is like family to me. Our families go on trips together, and we are quite close. 

     I don't actually "like" his brother, but I thought the idea of it would make a cool book, so here we are!

4. Are there any life lessons I would like to share?

    For many years now, I've struggled with anxiety. Throughout the day, my brain comes up with many 'what if' situations that get me flustered, and most of the time, in tears too. So something I would like to share is something that my Mom has always said to me; 

"You are braver than you believe, Stronger than you seem,
Smarter than you think,
and Loved more than you know."

 5. What are some writing tips? 

     Now, this one is hard for me to answer. I should actually be asking you guys this because I need help writing, myself. 

     But, I would say to take your time, don't rush to process, and always think through what is going to happen before you write it down. No one can force you to write faster, everyone has different speeds of writing.

6. (In book) Does Jake or Ells end up with anyone?

     This question was asked before we knew that Jake and Ells are together, but to answer your question, yes, they end up with each other. :)

7: Can I end your suffering?

     No, sorry I do not have that power. But.. if you ever need to talk, let me know!


Thank you all so much, and I hope to keep in touch!

I'm starting to write a new book and it will be posted soon!

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