Chapter Fourteen

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(Kai's POV)

I was practically soaring through the water, arm over arm, kick after kick. To me, I wasn't exerting myself, I was just swimming.

I was by myself.


I ended up calling coach and telling him that I changed my mind. I didn't want anyone but him knowing I was coming back.


After some thought, I realized that some of the guys are good friends with Carson and, that as soon as they saw me, they'd tell him. I didn't need him coming to watch me practice to try and get in my head. I didn't need to hear him run his mouth.

"Looking good, Champ." Coach Archer said as I finished my last lap.

"I can do better." I panted as I took off my goggles.

"Do better? Son, that's the best I've ever seen anyone swim. You're even swimming better than you did at your last competition."

I shook my head. "Nah, I can do better. Be faster."

"Whatever you say. Ten more and then you're done for the day. Yeah?"

"Yeah." I nodded, putting my goggles back on.

Soon after I finished my laps, I was standing in the shower in the locker room. I had my hands pressed against the wall and my head leaned down so the water streamed down between the blades of my back.

I was almost done when Coach came in.

"You got a visitor out here."

I turned to look at him through the water.


"Told me her name was Fi." He said.

"Give me five." I said.

"Sure thing."

I quickly finished my shower and got dressed. I pulled on a sleeveless hoodie as I walked out to find her. She was sitting in one of the chairs off to the side of the pool.

She wore jeans, a sea-green shirt, and white tennis shoes. Her hair was put up in a high ponytail and, like always, she had on zero makeup.

"Hey." I said causing her to jump a little.

"Hi." She smiled.

"Where's Titan?" I asked noticing that he wasn't with her.

"I left him at home today."

"Then how'd you..."

"Get here? A taxi and my white cane. It's in my bag." She smiled.

"So what brings you here?" I asked sitting beside her.

"You told me we were going on an adventure."

"I did, didn't I."

"You forgot." She grinned.


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