not friends?

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I knew being friends with them was a mistake. I literally told myself transferring to this school was gonna be great and I was gonna have no drama. HAHA sike now I'm in more drama than I could imagine.

I cant even think what Katie is thinking. Should I text her? Should I not? IDK but I need to talk to my mom.

I walk towards my moms room and knock.

Mo: come in?
M: hey...
Mo: oh hi amor, do you need something?
M: um no I just wanted to let you know I'd go to dads for break.
Mo: oh really? What changed your mind?
M: funny thing, mar did
Mo: you talked to your brother about it?
M: yep, so you're telling dad I'm coming
Mo: okay mija, I'll let you know when the day is you're leaving
M: okay, make it soon please
Mo: aii what's going on? You never seemed so um I don't know agitative?
M: um no reason, I just have um like a lot of homework, anyways I'm just gonna go finish it bye I love you ma
Mo: okay I love you too mija

My mom says as I walk out of her room. I don't feel comfortable telling my mom I may have ruined someone's relationship. Yea speaking of it I need to text Katie.


Hey this is Mae, you're probably wondering why I'm texting you but I just wanted to let you know there's nothing going on between me and Alejandro and I could reassure you he's definitely into you
Sorry for things getting messy I didn't realize what we did looked wrong in others eyes but I hope there's not beef between us :)

Hi sorry I just seen this now but it's fine really! Alejandro talked to me about it. He told me you guys were just good friends and you just transferred haha.
No need to worry or apologize, I hope to meet you one day !

I wouldn't say good friends haha but I would love to meet you too!
(Katie liked message)


Okay that went great. She seems to not care and she seems totally fine. I'm glad I texted her just for my own reassurance of me still being a good person lol.

Damn why does he keep texting me??


Why aren't you responding??
Are you mad still??

What dude

Why didn't you respond

Because I didn't want to?

Sorry that you got sucked into
all this bullshit

It's fine 👍🏼 let it go

Are you sure?
And what did you mean we're not friends lol

I mean we're not lol
We kinda just met and we hung out a few times yea but we're not close or anything lmao

I thought we were friends lol
I guess

Alejandro I would be happy being friends but all this drama and we're not even close yet is kind of nerve recking lol

I mean you're right
Can we still be friends though?
I know you'd rather hang out with us then to be with Jenna them lmao

You got a point
Fine we cool
Sorry for being so harsh earlier lmao

All good
See you tomorrow rat



I wake up and get ready, I throw on some simple sweats and a black long sleeve fitted crop top with white shoes.

Simple but I'm tired and I do not wanna be the center of attention today

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Simple but I'm tired and I do not wanna be the center of attention today. Maybe dressing like a half hobo will work. Kinda I don't know. I grab my backpack and wait downstairs for my mom. She's getting ready as I shove a pear down me. I'm not really hungry but super anxious to see what's gonna happen today.

We finally booked it to school and I find myself slowly walking into the campus. I catch a lot of people stares as I walk. I think to myself, dude I dressed so like I don't know ugly today and everyone is staring still?? I can't win dude.

While I walk pass a bunch of people and make it to the front door of the school I walk in and I hear someone call my name, "AYE MAE!" Mattia says as I turn around to face him. "Oh... hey..." I say still walking forward and not stopping to talk to him.

Mae - M
Mattia - Ma

Ma: hey hey hold on!
M: ... um yes?
Ma: my fault for yesterday, I should have never posted it and-
M: bro it's fine, I talked it out with ale and Katie you're off the hook
Ma: wait really?
M: yea get over it now

I say walking forward again, "well are we still friends because I seen you said-" , "yes we're still friends I guess polibio. Are we done here?" I ask stopping and looking at him. "Yep you're good to go ma'am." He says as I roll my eyes and giggle. I do walk away but I also can't stop thinking about how good looking he is. STOP. He's a player. Don't fall for it don't fall for it don't fall for it.

Mattias pov

I get dropped off by my papa and I seen Mae walking into the school. I try to speed walk to her but she beats me to the door, after I yell for her she finally turns around but keeps walking. I ask her multiple questions due to the fact it was kinda my fault everything blew up and she also said we're not friends which is an understatement since- Wait. Why do I care?? I need to stop. She's not interested in me, I think, I think she's interested in Ale honestly, but he's with Katie, and I just stoped talking to Lena. Oh my what have I gotten my self into?? Her black wavy hair falls from her head and onto her back slightly bouncing while her sweats hug at her waist showing her figure more. ENOUGH MATTIA. I can't think like that. I'm going to class. Fuck. Das it.

End of pov

those boys - Alejandro Rosario & Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now