i know what i want

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My feet dangle off the table as he kisses me. He moves us onto his bed once again but him hovering over me. He stops in the moment and just blankly staring at me. "What?" I ask him as my hand still plays with his hair. "You're so fucking beautiful you know that?" He says making me blush ALLLL SORRTTS OF WAYYSSS. I smile, "Come here." I say grabbing his face and smashing our lips together once again.

He lays kisses from my cheek leading down to my stomach. My stomach aches with butterflies as he kisses it all over. "Enough." I say as he laughs and brings his head back up. I kiss him one more time before pushing him off and laying on his chest. "Maybe this will work." While I was smiling at him. He wraps his arms around my back as he turns so we're laying next to each other but cuddling. "I'm tired." He says laughing. "Yea no joke you had me chasing you for almost an hour." I say putting one of my legs on his.

"Only because you couldn't figure out what you wanted." Mattia said as I rolled my eyes. "Now I do." I say giving him another peck before falling asleep in his arms.


We woke up around 7:20pm. "My god my moms gonna kill me." I say leaning up and grabbing my phone. "Don't worry I'll drop you off later." Mattia says turning to the other side still half asleep.

Mi amor where are you
Are you with the boys??
If you're not with Alejandro or Kairi you're grounded Mae!

I'm sorry ma!
I'm at mattias
We all fell asleep and I lost track of time.

Aii don't scare me like that!
Be home by 9:30 I'm serious



"I need to be home by 9:30." I say putting my phone down. "What time is it?" He says still faced into his pillow.

"7:25." I say as he turns back to me and pulls me into his arms. "We have all the time in the world." He says burying his face onto my chest. I laugh as I play with his hair as he slept on my chest. "You're kinda cute when you snore." I say as he turns his face to mines. "Are you watching me sleep." Mattia groans still eyes closed. "Maybe." I grin as a smirk wipes on his face. He's to cute I canttt.

"Are you really gonna sleep until 9:30 rolls around. I'm hungry you dinosaur." I say moving his body off of me and getting up. "Ugghhhhhh." He groans throwing himself under his sheets.

He's a literal child, but my invasive thoughts keep coming back. I know I'm falling for him, but something feels wrong. I want to believe we can work but in all honesty it just feels like something will happen or maybe I just keep doubting myself? Whatever it is I really don't want nothing bad to happen to me or my friends.

Mattia gets up going to the bathroom and coming out minutes later grabbing his keys. "Where are you going?" I ask as he ruffles his hair. "To McDonald's, do you not wanna come?" He says as I speed his way and going I the stairs.

"Ma! I'm going to McDonald's do you guys want anything?" Mattia asks as his mom says no but his brother asks for fries and nuggets. "Hell no." Mattia says as his brother frowns. "You're mean, don't worry I'll get them for you." I say as his brother lightens up and I leave his house first getting into his car. "Why are you so mean?" I ask confused.


"To your brother. All he wanted was fries and nuggets and you were being so rude about it."

those boys - Alejandro Rosario & Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now