no arguing

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In my little bag I brought of pads I also put extra underwear just in case I leaked. I took my bra off and ringed it out before putting it back on. When I pull over the shirt ale's smell instantly hits my nose. LAVENDER... His mom has great taste I think to myself. His shirt just goes right on my thighs. It was a cute long shirt.

I ringed out my wet clothes putting them into a plastic bag and heading out. "Who's shirt is that?" Mattia asks coming up to me. He pinches at the sides of the shirt examiningit. "Alejandro's... he gave me one since he kinda got mines all wet." I say not trying to make a big deal.

"Why didn't you just ask me for one?"

"Uh... I don't know? You weren't gonna swim so I thought you didn't have clothes on you."

"Hmm right..." Mattia says rolling his eyes per usual.

"It's not that big of a deal dude." I say trying to laugh it off as he just nods and goes back outside. I don't think it's a big deal? It's a fucking shirt? And like I didn't see him bring anything so what was I suppose to do? Wear the shirt he was wearing under his hoodie??

After we all end up getting tired we all say bye and mattia takes us home. He drops me off last and I turn to him, "can you stay for a little?"

"Why?" He asks aggressively.

"Because... I wanna hang out with you?"

"We just hung out today."

"Yea while you were being all shady."

"I'm not the one that was all up on Alejandro..."

"Really?? Again??"


"Wow just wow." I say grabbing my things and opening the car door. IM MAD. Really mad. I rush inside avoiding my mom and dropping my things on the ground of my bedroom as I grabbed my towel and headed to my bathroom.

As I shower I just think, why is he so jealous of Alejandro?? Him and ale never tried to get with the same girl... I think. It's still dumb though, mattia knows if I actually wanted to be with ale I would. I stand in my shower letting the hot steaming water hit my body as my thoughts get the better of me. I finally get a grip on reality and turn the water to cold and wash myself off. When I get out I stare at myself as I brushed my teeth. Why does this always happen to me?

When I finally finish brushing my teeth I head back to my room sadden at the fact everything good in my life just turns bad. A little part of me wants me to open the door up to Alejandro who would be sitting on my bed to comfort me. But of course that'll never happen because he knows nothing.

I open my door to reveal of course mattia sitting on my bed. I roll my eyes at him as I walk pass and head straight to my closet to get my clothes. "You should leave." I say grabbing my clothes and walking out of my room back to the bathroom. I changed and waited a couple minutes hoping he listened to me...

As I opened my door he's still sitting there looking down at his hands. My stuff is put away and my clothes that were wet are in my laundry basket. I ignore his existence as I walk on the other side of my bed and sit there on my computer. "You're not speaking to me?..." Mattia says turning his body toward me. I don't answer and continuing looking up Netflix movies on my computer. He slightly closes my lap top and lifts my chin. "Can we just talk? No yelling?" He pleases with his eyes slightly red.

I nod as he starts talking, "here, I know I've been acting like such a prick ever since you got back it's just- something happened... and I don't wanna talk about it right now but I'm just sorry for always bringing up Alejandro." He says looking directly in my eyes. "... you don't have to bring him up every time we argue, or just any time. We were all friends before we got wrapped into whatever we are. Maybe that's all we should be tia... friends..." I say breaking my own heart. I know a piece of me wants to be with him but another just says it's not right.

"I- no... please just give me a chance..." Mattia says as I give it a minute before saying something.

"But all we do is argue... I'm seriously tired of it."

"I know but... let's start over... please?" He asks as I give in. "No arguments about ale, please?" I say as He smiles before hugging me tightly. "I love you, even as my best friend." He says laying a gentle kiss on my forehead. "I love you too... dinosaur." I say as we both laugh but cuddle as time went on.

"So... what are we?" I ask just to know.

"I don't know... friends for now? I don't really need to be in a relationship right now..." Mattia says as I nod.

"Same, I understand... keeping it on the low then?"

"Anything you want." He says kissing my cheek.

Skip to next day

It was school and it was boring as usual. It was a short day so we had two classes only. I had literally ap human and PE only. Those classes I had no one I knew so it was a complete shit of a day. We all went home after school after being so tired. Me and mattia surprisingly gotten well at not arguing and we just made the best out of everything. I mean we're talking but we're not talking? Friends with benefits but has feelings? I don't know to be honest. We ARE friends that may be more but as of right now we're just friends. We made it clear that we weren't like officially talking.

Skip to next day

I walked into class with Kairi and of course jenna on the other side of me. I've been avoiding her for the longest but I guess I can only do a lot.

"Hey forget about all the questions I asked about mattia..." Jenna says giggling. "Okay..." I say weirded out. The day she asked questions about him it was so weird.

Flash back*

(I already wrote this scene when Jenna was asking Mae if mattia missed her and what not but I'm just gonna refresh.)

Jenna keeps bringing up mattia to me and Kairi.

"Does he still talk about me?"
"Does he still have that problem with putting his tongue everywhere?"
"I mean since he put his tongue on mine- I mean like his toilet and stuff."

Me and Kairi awkwardly answers all her questions before she leaves for 20 minutes of class time. "Damn she's taken a fat shit." Kairi says as we both laugh. The bell rings and I see her walk pass the classroom. "She must have skipped after being so embarrassed." I say laughing to Kairi as we walked out of class.

End of flashback*

Me and Kairi look at each other remembering how embarrassing it was for her to get such straight up answers from us.

"Also I hope there's no bad blood between us." Jenna says.

"Oh... of course not. Why would there be?" I ask confused.


"OO... um I actually have to go... I'll see you two tomorrow." Jenna says leaving the classroom with books in her hand. "Dude why is she so weird." I say to Kairi as he shrugs his shoulders.

those boys - Alejandro Rosario & Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now