take me home

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Mattia stares at me like I've done something wrong. I tilt my head waiting for a response.

"Are you okay? Or what..." I say stuffing a chicken nugget into my mouth.

"How about I pick you up tomorrow and we hang out after school." He says readjusting himself and drinking his soda. I raise a brow confused on why he's so defense about it all.

"Can we do that the day after tomorrow?"

"Why can't we go tomorrow?"

"Like i said I already made plans with Alejandro? What's your problem?"

"Right your bOyFrIeNd." He says mocking me.

"You're not funny." I say cleaning up my mess and throwing it away. "I'm ready." I say grabbing a hold of my bag. "It's only 8:48." Mattia says cleaning up his mess as well. "And I wanna go home?" I say defensively.

"Look I'm sorry okay?" He says coming up to me and wrapping his arms around me. I move his arms stepping back. "Can you take me home now or should I just walk?!" I say as he looks at me confused. "Okay... hold on..." He says giving in and grabbing his keys. I walk upstairs first just to say bye to his parents.

"Bye! Thank you for letting me over." I say as a fake smile goes over my face. "Of course Mae! You're welcome back anytime. MATTIA!! Don't make her wait for you!!" Mrs polibio says screaming for mattia. "I'm coming I'm coming." He says speeding up the stairs. I smile another time at his mom before making my way out of his door and going up to his car. He gets in and starts driving.

I face the window the whole time just so he knows I'm mad. It's petty but come on... he's your best friend... I think if I really wanted Alejandro like that doesn't he think I would've gone to him??

"Bye, thanks." I say with a little smile as I got out of his car. He doesn't say anything but let's me leave. As I got inside my house I talked to my mom a little.

"Mija what's with all these late nights??" My mom asks worried.

"Sorry... you know how hard it is for me to make friends. I finally have some and I enjoy spending time with them. Sorry I always get caught up in the moment ma..." I say as we sat on the island table.

"It's fine mi amor, just make sure you call me. Who are these friends of yours?"

"The boys? I showed you them before."

"Ah yes, still friends with them?"

"Yea... why wouldn't I be?"

"They know about everything mae?"


"I'm just saying mija, I don't want that blowing up in your face later. Also you need to start packing. You leave this Friday." My mom says as I nod and go off to my room.

I grab my sorta large luggage and start packing for my week away to Toronto. As I start packing Kairi FaceTimes me.

"Hey are you doing anything?" Kairi asks concerned.

"Just packing. How come?"

"Packing?? For what!?"

"Don't worry I'll tell you tomorrow or later but are you okay?"

"I'm fine, you'd tell me the truth right?"

"Yea... why?"

"Are you and mattia hooking up??"


"Don't lie to me mae not now."

"I'm not I swear! We kissed but that was all!" I say standing up from the ground and sitting on my bed.

those boys - Alejandro Rosario & Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now