what happend?

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"Thanks." I say putting his hoodie on me. "Wanna go down to the lobby with me? I'd rather not be in the room." I say as he nods and we make our way down to the empty lobby. "So... hows your hand?" I say giggling as he shows it to me. "Thanks by the way. You really didn't have to." I say smiling at him. "I'll always be here to protect you." He says as we both get lost in the moment just to be interrupted by my phone ringing.

Incoming call Alejandro

Accept        Decline

I stare at the screen before declining it and putting it back down. "What's going on?" Mattia asks seeing I had declined his call. "It's nothing really, how have you been doing?"

"Come on mae."

"Fine... his girlfriend or whatever they are just kept questioning me and his friendship and every time I told her we're nothing she would point something out that we would do and then at the end I told her we were nothing period. She then pointed at his hoodie I was wearing and I was fed up so I took it off and threw it at her walking out of the room."

"Wow... you were wearing his hoodie?"


"Okay okay sorry... but still why are you ignoring his calls?" Mattia says as I adjust my position in the chair.

"I just don't wanna talk to him about it at all." I say smiling. "Can we change the subject?" I say giggling as he does to. "I missed you." He says catching me off guard. "I missed you too..." I say smiling. "Sorry-" He says noticing how off guard he had caught me. "No no it's fine really." I say as we both awkwardly laugh.

"I missed you too... don't worry. I'm bored, and the shots I've taken are completely out of my system. Wanna go for a walk in the city?" I say as he nods and we get up running out of the hotel. "You're wearing shorts." He says as I look at him. "Come on there's like nothing showing." I say as he gives in and we continue to leave. We take pictures around time square stopping at little shops every so often. We made our way to a little boba cafe sitting there as we waited for them to make our boba. "I had fun." I said as we both take in breathes. The lady puts our boba on our counter and we both take sips out of it. "I did to... I missed this... us... hanging out." He said making me smile. "I did too." I said.

We hang out there for a little and it's 3:12am. Weird how almost everything is open 247 in New York. I got multiple calls from ale but I don't pick up. "Ready?" Mattia asks as I throw my trash away and head out the door. We make way back to the hotel hand in hand. I know I shouldn't be doing this but I'm having fun. This is fun just being myself out in the big city.

"We're here." Mattia says as we walk in. I turn to him as we both gaze at each other. Not another thought comes before I smash our lips together. It's wrong but right now it feels right.

The way my hand gets lost in his hair as he holds onto my waist. "That was long overdue." He says as I laugh and pull away. "Let's go." I say as we both laugh and head to the elevator.

As soon as the elevator opens me and mattia are still hand in hand when Taylor comes out of the elevator tearing up and moving past us quickly with her friends behind her. "Woah, what happened." Mattia says stopping one of her friends. "Your friend up there happened." She says running back to her friends. Me and mattia look at each other before entering the elevator as well. "Oh my what did we miss." I say as we both laugh. I let go of his hand as we step out of the elevator and he looks confused. "Not right now." I say as he nods and walks behind me to the room. I unlock the door to reveal Kairi passed out on the pull out bed with Robert. "Where the heck is Ale." I say as we both look around the beds. "I'll check Zars room." Mattia says leaving and heading there. I notice we didn't check the bathroom in the back so go there and I see light from be bottom. "Ale?" I say knocking not getting a response. I open the lock with my nail sliding the door open. He sits on the edge of the tub eyes red as ever. "Oh my gosh what happen??" I ask speeding up to him and going on my knees to hold his face. He pushes away my arms not saying anything. "What's going on?" I ask waiting for a response.

"Really? You're gonna stand there acting like you don't know? Really Mae?"

"I- I really don't... if it's what I told Taylor I'll call her and tell her I'm sorry and that you love her and-"

"I don't love or like her!!" He says standing up in front of me now.

"You what?" I ask confused on what I had heard.

"I don't!"


"I'm leaving." He says sniffling and walking past me. I grab his shirt pulling at him. "What's your deal?? I'm trying to comfort you but I can't do that if you won't speak to me!" I say.

"ARE YOU THAT CLUELESS YOU DONT KNOW??" Ale says turning back around to me hovering over me. I stand there scared at how his tone had gotten so high. "I-"

"I fucking like you!!" He says as my eyes widen and I step back. "You..."

"I like you yes!! But you're to hung up over mattia to even know!!" Ale says frustrated.

Flash back in Alejandros mind

Everyone thinks mattia is the leader of our group, that he got us clout, that he's the best. It's nothing like that. We all grew together and I'm tired of these fucking hate comments.

"Mattia made them."

"They're nothing without mattia."


End of flashback and back to mae pov

"I-" I stutter not knowing what the fuck to say. He said he liked me?

"Now you have nothing to say?" He states pushing his hair back and turning back to the door. "Well if you liked me why'd you get with Taylor!"

"Because Kairi told me you were with mattia and wow how superior he is that he gets everyone he wants." Ale says as mattia comes into the bathroom. "What?" He asks confused on what he over heard. "You heard me!! You get everything you want! The girl! The clout! Everything! I actually liked her and you took her away from me! You don't even actually like her! She's just another girl on your dumb fucking list!" Ale says as I stand there tears forming. "You don't fucking know what you're talking about. " Mattia argues moving closer to him. "YOU AND YOUR FUCKING LIST! IM OVER IT!" Ale says as mattia looks at me.

those boys - Alejandro Rosario & Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now