get to know me

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Boys like Alejandro are sweet. They may be a pain in the butt and mean but they're soft. Even when they don't wanna show it. I'm one to be easy to talk to, especially since I'm one of the girls but also one of the guys.

"Um me and ale are going to the store, do you guys need anything?" I ask the boys who are doing what they said they wouldn't do but are making tiktoks and playing not fifa but GTA.

"No no need, my mom them have hella snacks upstairs." Mattia says.

"I'm not staying over the weekend and eating all of your parents snacks. That's rude and I'm not that."

"Suit yourself, get some Pepsi." Mattia says turning back to the game.

"OO and some lays." Robert says as I giggle and turn around to see ale signal to leave. I nod and grab his phone on the bed. We rush up the stairs and out the door.

"You almost forgot this." I say as I hand him his phone. "Thanks." He replies eyes still red. "Um... maybe I should drive. You know you're kinda in a sad state and your eyes and puffy kinda so yea..." I say to him.

"I would have never let you drive my car since I really don't know how you drive but I'm letting this slide." He says as we switch places. "Okay were going to target." I say as I start the engine and pull out of mattias drive way.

As soon as we're parked he makes a comment, "wow you're an actual better driver than all of us combined." He says getting out as I toss him his keys. "Welp, driving away from the police helps." I say.

"What?? The police??"

"I'm kidding!"

I say as we enter target.

"What do you even want or need?" He asks as I make him push the cart.

"They want Pepsi and chips, and I want my gushers and chips as well." I say as we walk to snack section. I grab their soda as I grab some water because... hello duh. "Water? Seriously." He says with a brow raised. "Shut up dude." I say as I grab chips as well. We both laugh it off before going around the store.

"Since I know you're stalling time and I'm okay with it since my eyes are slowly not red anymore, what do you do on your free time?" He asks pushing the cart.

"Hmm... reading?"

"Reading? Really?"

"Yep... I have books in my closet since I don't have a rack or basket for it." I say as we walk pass the book section.

"This is your life then." He says touching a book.

"Haha yea, after I finish the series I'm reading now I'm gonna buy the crazy rich Asians series."


"Don't be mean. What do you like to do?"

"Besides making tiktoks? Haha um working out actually. It's just really fun to me."

"Working out?? Never noticed."

"Oh shut it, do you work out?"


"Really?? How is your body so nice?? I mean not that I stare at it or like-"

"Shut up dude, don't worry bout it we're friends it's cool. You got nice abs too."


He says as we start to approach the cash register. I scan all the items and right before I do purchase he tries to push me out of the way.

"Let me pay." He insists taking out his wallet.

"No no no, coming to the store was my idea. Let me pay."

those boys - Alejandro Rosario & Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now