rowan eldridge

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He gets out of bed and I quickly ask him, "Wait! Where are you going??" I say terrified. "Upstairs to get water? Do you wanna come or?" Before you know it I'm up and out of bed behind him. "Go first please." I say holding onto one of his arms behind him, he giggles before walking up the stairs. I turn on the lights and sit on the couch.

"What's your problem? Why can't you sleep?" He asks me as he pours himself a water cup.

"I don't even know, I just am because I'm not used to not sleeping in my own bed."

"I get that, I had that too when I first started sleeping over and stuff but I got over it after coming here like everyday haha."

"Lucky you." I say as he sits beside me on the couch.

"Sorry I probably woke you with all my tossing and turning." I say fixing my hair.

"Yea you did actually and when you finally stopped I couldn't go back to sleep." He admits while drinking water.

"Welp... haha but um so how are you like doing with the whole Katie thing?" I ask him

"I'm doing okay with it... distance was hard anyways. It was a leading on break up kinda even though we're not dating to be honest she just gave me a way to do it easier."

"Jeez you meanie."

"I don't mean it like that oh my gosh. I'm just saying like it was already leading on and das it."

"You and your slangs... they're getting annoying..."

"Thanks I'll keep using it."

He says as I giggle.

"I know I keep saying this but seriously thanks, I'm really glad you're my bestfriend and I can count on you for the most part." He says as I swat at him.

"I'm kidding! Of course I can count on you asshole." He says running his hand through his hair.

"Whatever, but I don't know if you heard me this morning and it's been bugging me but sorry for waking you up like that!"

"Nah it's cool. The boys and I never cuddled in a while so you gave me a sense of that."

"Y'all are gay seriously." I say laughing as he giggles along.

"Chill homiesexual."


"And besides we're besties now I really don't care what we do, just don't lick my face and I'll be fine."

"Eww... but okay." I say getting up.

"You're ready for bed already?" He says standing up as well.

"Ehh maybe." I say walking a little before his phone goes off.

Incoming facetime call from Katie Pego

Incoming phone call from Katie Pego

I look at him and then his phone and a flash of terrifiedness hits him. I grab his phone and decline it. He stands their looking at me before I pull him into a hug. "Don't sweat it, it was already leading on remember?" I say as my arms are around his waist and his are arms are around my neck. I'm pretty much shorter then him so my face lays on his shoulder face down as his does too.

We stay there for a little before he squeezes me again. "Thanks mae, seriously." He says as I pull away and we stand in front of eachother just inches away.

I can feel the tension grow, but before anything can happen my thoughts snap back in and I'm backing up. "Can you walk down first?" I ask as his one of a kind dimples pop out and gives me his arm to hold onto. We walk down and I get into bed.

"Thanks for making sure I'm okay in the dark." I say smiling at him before we both lay down. "Of course." He replies as we both get comfortable.

He grabs a hold of my hand and squeezes it, I mutter a quick thank you before falling asleep.

Me and ale? Strictly best friends. I know a bunch of people who act like a couple but are strictly bestfriends. Bestfriends hold hands and do all that stuff right? Yes yes they do.

Skip to next weekend

It's finally Friday and this has been the best week ever. Me and the boys got super close like, hand holding close. I kiss their cheeks anytime I leave or they leave and it's all completely normal. I think I've finally found my ground of friends forever. I've made it into tiktok room and people have asked who I'm dating and which boy is it but I deny everything because we're all strictly BEST FRIENDS.

As class ends and I walk out of my last period I see that guy I said was cute before. I seen him multiple times this week but never said anything, we always made eye contact and he smiled at me once but I never stopped to talk to him.

I try to avoid looking at him but before you know it he comes up to me.

"Hey." He says smiling

"Oh hey!"

"You're new here right? Mae?"

"Haha yea, your name is?"

"Rowan, um anyways where'd you move from?" (AKA Rowan Eldridge)

"Oh no just transferred School's is all."

"Ohh cool, um odd question but which one of those boys over there are you dating huh?" He asks directing his eyes to the boys as they look over at us.


"Haha don't worry I just wanna know because I heard a lot of stuff and I'd rather shoot it down and back you up."

"Aw thanks but I'm not dating any of them. They're just all my bestfriends."

"Best friends? How long have you been here? Three weeks?? Haha."

"Yea but we've grown a really great bond over the time."

"Oh yea cool, just watch out. They seem to do that a lot but if it's fine with you I'd like to become friends?"

"Oh yea for sure."

"So can I have your ig or?"

"Oh yea haha it's @maecastano"

"Great, ill text you sometime."

He says as I wave and walk away. That was kinda weird but kinda hot. Stop omg... he's so fine what the fuck.

"Why were you talking to Rowan?" Mattia asks as they all wait for a reply. "He came up to me and asked to be friends and my ig blah blah blah." I say as they all stay quiet.

"Um... is there something wrong or?" I ask waiting for a response.

"Nope." Kairi says as they all turn to walk out of the school. What the fuck is wrong with them. I stand there as they all walk away, they've got to be kidding me? And what was up with Rowan saying to "watch out" for them??

Robert notices I watch them walk away and quickly comes back over, "you coming?"

"Not if you guys keep acting weird what the fuck."

"Just come, they'll tell you about it later." He says dragging my arm and forcing me to come with.

those boys - Alejandro Rosario & Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now