wake up

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Last night was pretty okay, I'm glad me and ale worked through me disliking him or whatever. He's a great friend, a really cute one too.

I wake up with my body facing the bed and my hand not attached to ales anymore. They're all still asleep except Robert. I get up super lightly avoiding to hit Alejandro. I brush my teeth in mattias bathroom and come back out. It's currently 12:23pm

"Good after noon dude." I say to Robert as I sit next to him on the floor. "Yo, what time did you sleep? I heard you upstairs." He asks.

"4:20 maybe, I wasn't tired and I was scared of the dark haha."


"Oh shut it." I say nudging his shoulder.

"Do they always wake up late?" I ask as he nods. "They'll probably wake up in like an hour or half." He says while on his phone. "Okay..." I say.

The rooms a literal mess. Everyone shoes is everywhere including their shirts and hoodies. "Oh my lord a bunch of slobs." I say as Robert shrugs his shoulder. I shoo Robert away and start cleaning up. I move there bags to one side of the room, put there shoes by the door, grab the cups and plates on mattias desk. I just cleaned EVERYTHING up. I was bored dude.

Half an hour passes and kairi wakes up. He instantly grabs his phone and goes on it. He then gets up and goes straight to the bathroom. A couple minutes fly and mattia randomly stands up from the couch and throws himself onto the side of the bed Kairi was at. Sleeping still.

Another 30 minutes go by and it's just me, Kairi, and Robert talking. "Jeez do I wake them up?" I ask the boys as they shrug, "you will never get them to wake up." Robert says. "Oh really?" I say, I love a challenge.

I jumped right in the middle grabbing ahold of their necks and pulling them into me for a hug. "Wake up!! Both of you!!" I say as I slightly shake them. They both grab my arms off of them and turn back to the other side. "He told ya, you just can't wake these slobs up." Kairi says facing Robert. "Bet." I say turning to mattia and in the moment I could not decide whether this was to be for fun or to serious.

I turn to mattia obviously and go really low onto him, I whisper in his ear so that it tickles. "Wake up babe." As I kinda lightly dropped my weight onto his chest. He quickly opens his eyes and I move quick as well. "Done." I say as Robert and kairi both turning to me, "what?? How??" Kairi says amazed as mattia rubbed his eyes. "Magic." I say as mattia is still slowly getting up. I see he has a boner and he quickly tries to hide it but instantly fails.

"Sorry haha they said I couldn't be able to wake you guys up so that was my solution." I say a bit ashamed. "Jeez you're lucky you're one of my best friends I would've slapped you for getting me this hard in the morning."


"I'm just joking! But dang you know how to wake me up haha, good luck with him over there." Mattia says getting up and walking into the bathroom."

I don't think much on how to wake up Ale, I don't want to go overboard and do the most like for mattia since you know he's still pretty bummed about Katie.

I quickly sit beside him as I run my fingers through his hair.

"Good evening dude, wake up." I say as he turns my way and hugs my thigh. Butterflies instantly shoot up but no, no feeling this way.

"Nope, he's literally a heavy ass sleeper. You will never get him up TRUST." Kairi says walking upstairs to use the other bathroom.

I hate being told right so I keep complimenting a way to wake him up without going overbard.

After minutes of thinking nothing comes across my mind but this, it's easy and isn't to much.

I move his arms off my thigh as I slide right next to him and laying my head on his chest. He quickly wraps his arms around me and my legs get tangled with his. This feeling, this feeling feels so good but I can't. I shake my many thoughts out of my head before continuing to wake him up.

As his arms are wrapped around my body and my arms is to I move myself on top of him, he doesn't budge at all so I decide to sit on top of him and doing what I did to mattia.

As my bum sits on his abdomen and both my legs are on both sides of him and lean down into his ear whispering carefully to wake him. "Alejandro." I say super smoothly and I guess it worked because he started flickering his eye lids and I got off of him quickly.

"Boom that's how you do it." I say as Robert turns his head and mattia comes out of the bathroom.

"The fuck, are you on your voodoo shit or something?? Yo Alejandro you up??" Mattia asks coming near the bed.

"Hmm? Hmm? What?" Ale says rubbing his eyes.

"Count on me to wake up a bunch of guys." I say as they both look at me in shock. I quickly go over to the other side of the bed to ale, "sorry for waking you up like that I tried many ways but you weren't budging." I say as he just nodded and went to the bathroom.

Skip to later that night

It's currently almost 7, "Are y'all staying till Monday too? Since there's no school?" Mattia asks as we all nod but Robert says he has to go home soon. We all say yea and before you know it Robert is on his way home. "See ya hoe." I say hugging him as he leaves.

We all got showered and all got on the bed. "Nah fam one of you guys are sleeping on the couch tonight this my bed." Mattia says while on his Xbox.

Me and ale both say "not it" quickly as kai looks at us. "Sowwyyy!" I say throwing my arm over his neck and rocking him. "Uhh it's fine you guys touch to much anyway." Kairi says as we look at him weird. What did he even mean by that lol.

We all hanged out while the movie was playing before all getting ready for bed. An hour of tossing and turning in the bed I finally give up on sleeping and hide under the sheets. The darkness? SCARES THE SHIT OUT OF ME. You can't see anything at all, you never know if someone or something can pop out of no where. One of my biggest fears.

Of course ale comes to the rescue. He lifts the blanket off of my face scaring me half to death but covering my mouth as I screamed. "Shh! Having trouble sleeping again?" He asks as I nod and sit up. He sits up as well as I play with my fingers.

those boys - Alejandro Rosario & Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now