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"Hey!" A girl says from behind me which makes me turn around. "Oh..." I say instantly recognizing who she was. "Hi I'm Taylor, you're mae right?" She says hugging me. She comes with two other girls and they just stand there talking. I don't know why they came all the way from Florida but whatever.

We all went to a huge hotel for someone's birthday I didn't know. Everyone was partying and some were drinking. I wasn't planning on it but just seeing all these couples makes me sick I just needed a shot. I went to the kitchen downing whatever they were giving out. "Hey you okay?" Ale says grabbing my waist and pulling me into the living room where everyone was. "I- I'm fine really, it was just one." I say moving his arms away from my waist because I felt uncomfortable. I catch Taylor looking at us so I just slightly smile and walk away from them. I really don't want to be in drama and from the past girls those boys have talked to it's been a lot of drama.

I go back to the kitchen and grab another just to drain out all the caring I have in my system right now. "WOOO!" The boys I don't even know yell as I down that shot. I catch a glimpse of mattia sitting on the couch drinking a beer. I know I still like him, I know I would wanna be with him. But I can't, I shouldn't, Nothing makes sense but these shits do.

Switch to mattias POV

I sit on the couch holding a can of some sort of alcohol hoping to not remember anything from the past days. I miss her, I miss her touch, her constant need to laugh, the way she gets mad and tries to ignore me but never succeeds. I miss everything about her. But she's made it clear she's done with me, done with everything. She looks like she's living her life not having a care in the world. Should I be that cruel to ever take away that happiness? I know a part of her probably misses me but I know a part of her has something for Alejandro. She will always deny it but something about them just makes me angry.

I watch her down her 5th shot before the boys around her start trying shit. "Come on." I hear someone say to her as she pushes them off her shoulder. "Nah." She says sitting on the counter now as all the boys ooo at the fact he got rejected. "You want me." Another guys says coming up to her neck as she tries to push him off but is to weak. Before I can get up Ale is up there punching him. "THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" He says as the guy holds the side of his face. I run up making sure no one else was touching her. "Are you okay?" I ask as she nods and grabs my neck to give me a hug. "I missed- your- hugs- tiaaaa..." she says drunk. I grab her hands off my shoulder knowing she would regret this tomorrow morning. "The fuck is wrong with you! She wanted it!" The blonde guy that ale had punched. I turned around offended at the fact a guy would ever say that. "The fuck you just say?" I say shoving him into his friends. "I said, SHE FUCKING-" I cut him off with a punch to his face. "Stop stop." Mae says weak but alive. She pushes me as zar comes between everyone and signals everyone to leave. "DONE THE PARTY IS DONE EVERYONE OUT!!" Zar says as we bring Mae into the room across from the party. We already booked a room before hand knowing we wouldn't be able to drive home. There were two beds and we laid her on the couch just so she could have her own space. "Yo What the fuck happened??" Kairi asks.

Switch to mae's pov

I can hear I can see I know what's going on. My bodies just to weak to move every single moment. "SHE FUCKING-" the guy that tried to grope me is cut off by the punch of mattias right hook attaching to his face. My body instantly jumps off the counter in front of him. "Stop stop." I say pushing him as zar comes in between and guides everyone to leave. Ale comes up behind me and grabs my waist pulling me out of the room and into ours. He lays me on the couch and grabs me water. "Yo what the fucked happened?" Kairi asks as I down the water quickly. I see both ale and mattia holding onto their knuckles. "You guys didn't need to do that." I say as Taylor and her friends come barging in the room with zar them trailing behind. "Are you okay??" Taylor says coming up to ale and holding onto his face. "I'm okay." He says smiling as polo comes up to me including zar them. "My bad Mae, I never knew those boys would try anything on you I made sure they knew who you were."

"It's fine. I'm okay, thanks to these losers." I say grabbing mattias shoulder. 5 shots aren't anything. Maybe I was tipsy but water and ice is perfect right now. I stand up and everything slowly goes back to normal. Zar them are back in their hotel as me, Kairi, mattia, Ale, Robert, and Taylor & her friends are all in our room. The music is blaring loud and it's only 2am.

I went to shower and I came out wearing spandex and a tank top. I forgot my fucking hoodie. "Fuck." I say to myself. I have a sports bra on but still. "Come on mae!" Ale says pounding on the door. "Jeez chill I'm still kinda tipsy asshole." I say as he quickly rushes in the bathroom peeing. "You're nasty." I say facing away. He finishes up and I turn back to him, "do you have any extra hoodies? I forgot mines and-"

"Yea sure, you can use the shadow hill in my bag." He says as I nod. I think it's the only one he has right now but I'm cold. I rush outside not catching anyone's attention and grabbing his hoodie throwing it over me. I sit on the couch on my phone before Taylor comes and sits beside me.

"Hey, you feeling any better?" She asks as I nod.

"Yea it wasn't a big deal."

"You got two guys to punch the same guy, I think it's a pretty big deal." She says giggling.

"They're just being overprotective."

"Right, you and ale? You guys are really close huh?"

"I mean I guess? I'm close with all of them."

"But you and ale? Dated before?"


"Ohh! Sorry I just- I seen the way you guys are with each other and you guys just looks so close."

"He's my best friend. There's nothing to worry about Taylor. I know why you're questioning me and it's fine but there's nothing." I say as she smiles and looks down at the hoodie.

"And that's His I suppose?" She says grinning.

"It is But-"


"You know what-" I say taking the hoodie off and throwing it at her. "You can have his hoodie for all I care Taylor. I told you we have nothing and it's not okay for you to ask me all this." She tries to say something but I get up and walk towards the door. "Hey did you find my hoodie?" Ale asks as I stare at him in his eyes. "Your little girlfriend over there wants it." I say pointing at her and pushing past him and out the door. It's colder than a mother fucker outside of the room and I catch mattia leaning against the wall. "Hey." I say as he leans back up scared. "Sorry didn't see you there... are you cold? You're wearing a tank top." Mattia says as he takes off his hoodie and hands it to me. "Thanks."

those boys - Alejandro Rosario & Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now