Chapter Two

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He twitched for a couple of seconds before finally falling asleep, his body imprinting a shape into the sand, soon to be blown away by the restless winds of Tattooine.  I picked him up and carried him over my shoulder, the weight not bothering me because of the countless years of weight training that I had to endure, this one and only moment where that particular skill actually helped me.  I pulled the fob out of my boot, holding it up to him to make sure he was my bounty, and he was, just as I had suspected.  I have the bounty, now all I need is a ship, I thought, fatigue beginning to creep up in my arms and legs, each step harder than the last, my shallow breaths becoming more deep and prominent.

I trudged through the bitter sand, its tiny little grains making its way into my boot and past my patience, gasping for air underneath my helmet.  My knees began to wobble, the weight starting to take its toll on my body, my shoulders aching with excruciating pain that ran down my back and through my legs, an inferno of hurt burning in my thighs.  God, I could really use a miracle right now, I thought, falling to my knees and faceplanting my mask into the sand, my muscles spasming, making it impossible for me to get back up.  I gathered up enough energy to lift my head up and look into the distance, expecting to see endless dunes of sand for miles on end, lost in the desert's never-ending labyrinth.

To my surprise, about four hundred yards away there was a ship sitting in the sand patiently, waiting obediently for its master.  I scrambled onto my feet, sprinting to the beautiful miracle that God brought down from heaven, leaving the Mandalorian behind for my own selfish reasons, forgetting that he even existed.  I froze in my tracks, the sick realization stabbing me in the back as I looked up at the sky and let out a frustrated scream, crying on the inside like a winner.  I lumbered over to the mysterious man and put him back over my shoulder, my entire body screaming for me to stop moving that instant and to leave him there, but I needed the money, so I kept on going with his heavy ass slowing me down and making it more difficult.  You're a Jedi for God's sake, why don't you just use the force and lift him over to the ship? I asked myself.  Because, me, that would be an improper use of the force, I lectured on my head, the moral side fighting against the logical side.

I sighed, wondering why my mind had to be that way, cursing under my breath as we neared the ship, the agony growing more unbearable with each and every step, contemplating whether it would be worth it to kill this man and just steal this ship, but in the end I knew it was wrong and that it wouldn't be worth it because of the enormous bounty hanging over my head.  Killing someone wouldn't make it better, it would only make it worse.

A feeling of blissful joy washed over me as we arrived at the ship, leaning on it for support and crying tears of joy, laughing at the same time like a maniac.  I don't know how long that lasted, but once I was done with those shenanigans, I noticed writing on the side of the ship in big black letters:

Razorcrest II

I stared at the words for a second.  They almost seemed familiar, like I had heard that name before, a tiny little bell ringing in my head, not able to exactly pinpoint why it seemed so mundane.  I couldn't help but smile at he name, my mind screaming at me the reason how it was intimate, but only registering as a whisper in my clogged disturbing mind, envisaging a way to make this more clear to me.  I shrugged my shoulders and sighed, picking Mystery Man back up with a grunt, walking to the closed door of the ship and standing there, trying to figure out where the code pad is so I could break in and steal it, but to my deepest demise, there was not a code pad... there was instead a hand scanner that looked very fancy and very difficult to hack into.  My heart sunk, the sick realization settling in my stomach as I began shaking my head, denying myself the inevitable truth that would eventually and painfully come.  I yelled, punching the scanner as hard as I could, pain splitting through my knuckles, no prominent damage to be seen on the machine.  I cursed, shaking out my hand and kicking the sand violently, having a temper tantrum like no one had ever seen.  I gasped out a sigh, sobbing silently under my mask and putting Mystery Man down, sitting weakly and holding my mask in my hands, accepting defeat.

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