Chapter Eight

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Elia POV

I always hated going to sleep because of the torturous and painful nightmares that took over my mind the moment I closed my eyes, never really getting a break from life's cruel and heinous jokes, even when I needed it most, but this time, I wasn't met with the unpleasant memories of Supreme Leader Na'kk abusing me and hurting me to the point where I could barely move, but with a warm planet or forest moon, the sun beaming down on me as I layed down in the endless wooded thicket, the smell of pines and redwoods filling up my nose, closing my eyes and letting out a deep satisfaction filled sigh when little teddy bear looking creatures popped up from out of nowhere and pointed their little spears at me, trying their best to look intimidating and frightening, but honestly, they just looked downright adorable.  I laughed, sitting up and rubbing one of their fluffy heads, their fur as soft as silk and warmer than you could possibly imagine, wishing I could pull one up against me and cuddle them forever, but I knew they probably wouldn't like that, smiling at them gently when a loud bang erupted from outside of my mind, my eyes shooting open, blinded by bright lights that were hanging over me.  I squinted, trying to make out the objects that were around me and remember where I was, the beeping of droids and the subtle whirs and whistles of the ship reminding me that I was no longer at the First Order, relief pouring into me as I saw Rose sitting down at a table cleaning some spare parts, attentively staring at each of its deep crevices while she scrubbed them with an oil stained rag, reading an old musty book that was in her lap, tracing a line on the page with her finger as she read a sentence every once in a while, her eyes darting back and forth from the page to the part, observing every minuscule detail that either of the objects provided, her eyes gleaming with knowledge and curiosity, wonder floating in the air as much as the force was itself.  I sat up, stretching my arms and moaning as I rolled my shoulder forward and yawned, Rose's head shooting up from the book efficiently, a tender and kind smile playing on her lips like a sweet symphony that was to never end, setting the parts down gently on the table as she closed the book and put it underneath her arm, tilting her head to the side in a questioning manner.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," she said, rubbing the top of my head as she walked, making her way toward a cupboard where she pulled out a key, unlocking the shelf and placing the book cautiously inside, locking it back afterward.  "Get a good night's rest."

I put my hair up in a low ponytail, rubbing my eyes before putting my hand on the chair to help perch myself, pulling my body up so that I was standing, grabbing the part from off the table, tossing it to myself.

"It was good, I had a strange dream, thought," I answered, observing the object carefully.

Rose laughed, grabbing a unique gem from a drawer before walking back over and handing it to me, patting the seat that was next to her and giving me a wink, signalling for me to sit down and help her out with whatever she was doing, following her orders and taking my seat, eager to figure out what this unknown project was.

"What was the dream about?" Rose asked, pursing her lips into a fine line as she grabbed the objects out of my hand and placed them down on the table, raising the crystal up closer to the light so she could see it better.

"Well, I was on this planet that was covered with plants and I was in this huge forest, letting the sun shine down on me when these teddy bear looking animals came from out of nowhere, pointing their tiny little adorable spears at me, and they were wearing these leather hoods that had holes in the top for their ears and a hole in the front for their faces," I elaborated, using hand gestures to get my point across, handing Rose tools as she needed them.

She grunted as she twisted a screw, locking two metal rings together in doing so, making a handle that looked similar to that of a lightsaber, biting the inside of my lip as I pressed them together firmly, questions nagging at my brain at an annoying rate, the force tingling in my hand the longer I held the clear see through crystal, somehow feeling attached to the light inanimate object that lay peacefully in my hand, a voice whispering in the back of my head as I got lost in the crystal's hypnotizing gaze, my spirit being pulled somewhere it had never been before.  I was in a field of red roses, their fragrance wafting into the air around me, surrounding me in a cloak of blissful serenity as their stench made their way into my nose, my body suddenly losing all control of itself and falling into a pile of the what seemed to be innocent roses, finding myself falling down a dark hole, watching the light disappear from above my head, screaming at the top of my lungs, begging for someone to help me, only the echoes of my pleas that bounced off the walls responding to my sorrowful cries, sobbing into my hands when my body slammed into water, knocking the air out of me.  I opened my eyes, looking around me to only find a neverending horizon of multiple hues of blue that morphed into a threatening black the longer I gawked, seeing the true dangers that they brought to the galaxy, my body calming itself down and swimming to the surface, my hands ready to burst through it chilling surface when they were stopped by a frozen barrier locking me away from the outside world, panicking as I realized that I was trapped under here with no way out.  I pounded my fists on the thick icy force field, screaming at the top of my lungs as I my body reacted to the frigid water, my muscles tightening so quickly that I barely had time to register what was going on, gasping for air that was nonexistent in the chilly desolate abyss of water that enveloped my body like the icy fingers of death that have stroked my cheek many a time, knowing that this time death would finally get what he wanted as he wrapped his arms around my body and pulled me deeper into the foreign land known as the ocean, my eyes slowly coming to a close like the curtains to a play when it is over when without warning, Rose's voice brought me back to reality as the sound reverberated in my head, ripping me out of my hypnosis that the crystal had put me under.

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