Chapter Six

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My heart banged in my head as I ran to the person who started it all, my lungs burning, hyperventilating beyond compare, but nothing was going to stop me from embracing my long lost friend in my arms, let alone a pair of aching vital organs that helped me survive, so I continued on running, the world around me in a blur, my vision tunneled so I saw Rey and Rey alone, my thighs screaming at me to stop, but I wouldn't, I wouldn't stop until I felt the warmth of her loving spirit envelop me and hear her caring words that dripped like honey from her rosy lips.  Tears blurred my vision, making it harder for me to see her as she barreled toward me, tears racing down her face like a raging river during a storm, just far enough that I couldn't stretch my arm out and touch her, yet just close enough that I could feel her presence in the force, longing to see the faces of not just Rey, but all of my colleagues that I left behind a millennium ago, yearning to hear their tales of adventures that they had while I was off making my own destiny in the land of the unknown.  Rey reached out her hand for me, only an arms length away, and I took it, our bodies slamming to a sudden halt, clutching to each other for dear life as we embraced each other for the first time in seven years, sobbing tears of splendid joy while she pulled me tighter into my arms, wrapping her arms around my neck and and placing her chin on my shoulder, not wanting me to see her tears as they trickled down her face.  I hugged her back tightly, my face covered with the salty water that came out of my eyes, never wanting to let her go, never wanting her to let her out of my sights ever again, only wanting to stay with her forever and do nothing else.

I looked over Rey's shoulder and saw Poe staring at us, his lip twitching as he gazed into my visor, a tear dropping down his face as he began to jog toward us, speeding up into a sprint, pumping his arms, his legs striking the ground with much force, watching the sand kick up behind him as he closed the distance between us, gasping for air, determination burning his dark brown eyes, picking up speed the longer he saw us grasping each other, his tears blowing away in Jakku's painful winds.  I held my hand to him, a smile playing on his cracked lips, reaching out his hand toward mine and holding onto it, swinging into a three way hug, putting one of his hands around my waist and the other one around Rey's shoulders, pulling me closer to him, putting all of our foreheads together for a second before hugging each other tightly, exchanging tears like they were currency.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw Finn and Rose come, smiling under my mask, memories of the gang swarming my mind like bees do to a hive, feeling their arms wrap around me, Chewie coming next and roaring happily, giving me a bear hug, joining the group hug with everyone else.

All at once, we collapsed to our knees, loneliness fading from within me with every tear that dropped into the sand, feeling loved once again by the people that mattered most, hugging them all back with much force, closing my eyes and letting the peace overwhelm my senses, knowing that this moment wouldn't last long enough for any of us, sweet nostalgia swimming through our brains along with overpowering tidal waves of bliss and the sweet taste of love floating on the waters of endless memories.  The burning sun baked my armored body, my vision swaying back and forth, but I didn't care, I just wanted to take in these beautiful moments that only come once in a lifetime, forgetting what it was like to live without these party animals, hearing a chorus of beeps and squeals growing stronger, seeing BB-8 and R2-D2 rushing toward us at high speeds, BB-8 almost running over a frustrated scavenger who got in his way.  He beeped happily as he saw my masked face, giving me the droid version of a hug, patting his head softly, laughing at how elated he was to see me, glad that he still remembered who I was after all of these years, even with the mask on.  I could tell that Atin was standing behind us, making sure that nothing would disrupt our happy reunion, awkwardly looking around not knowing what to do.  You dork, I thought, no wonder I find you adorable.  I felt a hand squeeze my shoulder, opening my eyes to see Rey grinning at me, her eyes lighting up as she looked at Atin and back at me, realizing that she had read my mind and began blushing uncontrollably, making Rey laugh and hug me tighter, kissing where my temple would have been and rub my arm in a comforting manner, still laughing to herself.  Poe gave her a confused glance, wondering what was going on, and Rey told him using gestures, pointing her head at Atin and making a heart with her hands subtly so he (Atin) couldn't see, Poe sheepishly smirking at me and nodding his head, me glaring lasers at Rey through my mask.  No matter how much they annoyed me and got on my last nerve, they were the closest thing to family that I had, and I loved them more than all the of the stars in the galaxy combined. 

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