Chapter One

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The cantina on Tattooine was packed, customers coming in in hoards, making it harder for me to find my bounty in the crowd of criminals and felons drinking like it was the end of the world. I patiently sat at a table in the corner of the dimly lit bar, my left hand resting on its filthy grey surface, my right hand by my side ready to pull out my blaster if needed. My armor caught the attention of a few citizens, probably whispering to each other about how many credits they could get for it, but I paid no attention to them, scanning the room for anyone who seemed ordinary in this mess of peculiarity. Then, a creature moved aside and I saw him, a man with armor similar to mine, his helmet silver with a black line where the eyes would be and down the center of it. From the second I saw him I knew what he was... a Mandalorian. Just like me. He sat at the bar, subtly observing the people around him, watching, listening. I could tell he was waiting for something by the tense way he sat, I just didn't know what.

My attention wasn't the only one that this Mandalorian caught, because a gang of degenerates nearby began staring at him eagerly, eyeing his every move like he was a wild beast about to attack. The one that seemed to be the leader smirked sheepishly, muttering something to one of his soldiers. All of the filthy scum howled in laughter, the room silent except for the obnoxious scoundrels, the leader glaring at them sternly.

I was intrigued, leaning on the edge of my seat to get a better look when the waitress came by, all giddy and innocent like the world had done her no wrong. A big, bright, goofy smile was plastered on her face, not able to mask the loneliness that sparkled in her eyes like stars on a clear summer night on the middle of nowhere. She cleared her throat, bouncing on the balls of her feet, filled with so much energy it almost seemed exhausting.

"Hi, what can I get for you, sir?" she asked, becoming a little flushed just by looking at my mask.

Ah, that's why she's so jumpy, I thought, laughing to myself for a couple of seconds. She thinks I'm a man and has a crush on me. That's actually kind of funny, if I think about it for long enough. I snapped back to reality, tilting my head so it was facing the girl and not the table, doing my best impression of how a guy would sit when he thinks a girl is cute, which must've worked because her blush was more visible now than it was before.

"Nothing, but thanks for asking, doll," I answered, nodding at her and smirking beneath my mask.

The color drained from her face as it dawned on her that I was in fact a woman. Her smile faded into a frown, a sick pleasure building up inside of me for some odd reason.

"I'm so sorry, ma'am," she apologized, avoiding eye contact and trying to hide her face as best as she could, " if you need anything just let me know. "

She began walking away, her hip movements catching the eyes of a few perverts standing by. I noticed the Mandalorian stand up and put some credits on the table, chatting with the bartender casually, not even trying to hide the fact that they were looking at me. My hand was already on the grip of my blaster, ready to whip it out on a second's notice when he began walking away, looking over in my direction one last time nodding his head as a kind gesture. I nodded back, watching him stare at me for a millisecond before he waltzed toward the door, cautiously scanning his surroundings and exiting the building, a couple of smugglers right on his tail. Without realizing it, I got up, following after them and hiding in the shadows as they walked around the building to the back, peering into this mysterious man's life like a lion ready to hunt its next victim. Quietly, I listened, lurking where no one could see me, waiting for the right moment to strike and take down my bounty, my wild instincts kicking in. It's time to hunt.

Atin POV

I knew the smugglers were right behind me, following me to the back where no one could see them take my credits, but what I didn't know was that there was someone else creeping in the shadows, eying my every move.

Secrets are just Hidden Lies (Star Wars OC x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now