Chapter Three

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Atin POV

Three Weeks Later...

The ship shook violently as Y/N tried to dodge the blasts of a bounty hunter, zooming through the galaxy with limited amount of gas, trying to get the little bastard off our tail.  I stumbled out of the weapons room, the ship veering to the right so suddenly that my body slammed into the wall, having trouble keeping myself balanced on my way to the cockpit.  I groaned, pulling myself up as I heard the frustrated shrieks reverberate from the cockpit, knowing in my gut that nothing was going according to plan.  I wobbled to the ladder that led to the cockpit, falling into it when without warning, the ship jolted downward, one of the rungs digging into my gut.  Slowly but surely, I climbed the ladder, greeted by the discouraged grunts and quiet cursing that filled up the room, noticing the child ready to click a button that he was not supposed to click.  I picked him up and placed him in my lap, gripping the arm of the seat for dear life while she spun the ship over and over again, having to close my eyes to keep myself from throwing up.  Once I got the courage to open my eyes, the ship stopped so abruptly that I flew forward and face planted into the control panel and fell onto the floor, catching Y/N's attention.

"Shit!  Are you okay?" she asked worriedly, glancing at me before veering the ship sharply to the left.

"What the hell are you doing, you're going to get us killed?" I exclaimed, climbing back into the chair and scooping the child from off the ground, placing him on my shoulder.

She ignored me and growled, pulling her hardest on the yoke, even standing up and putting her feet on the baseboard to get more momentum, causing the ship to yank upward to the point where it was flying vertically.  Without warning, she flipped a couple of switches and we plummeted toward a sandy looking planet, flying toward it at full speed.  My eyes widened, genuine fear running through my veins as I tried to rack my brain for a reasonable explanation for what she was doing, but coming up with nothing in the end.  I looked at her and then back through the window, praying under my breath that we weren't going to die.  As if the situation couldn't be more stressful, the bounty hunter shot at the back of the ship and hit it dead on, causing the Razorcrest's alarm to go off, the buttons flashing at us like a sick joke that we weren't a part of.  Both of us screamed at the same time,  the ship spiraling uncontrollably toward the planet's surface, coming closer to our probably inevitable deaths.

"I hope you like sand..." she trailed off, digging her fingers into the seat and gasping for air, "because where we are going, there is a lot of it."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I questioned, mostly in shock and fearful for my life.  "I hate sand!  It's rough and coarse and irritating, and it gets everywhere!"

The ground came closer every second, my heartbeat rising and ringing in my head, scanning through all the things that I never got to do and things that I have regretted doing in the past, only coming up with regretting going to Tattooine and meeting this blasted woman who was about to be the death of me.  She mumbled under her breath, her hands shaking as she tried to press buttons to see if anything would work, but it wouldn't budge, everything continuing to go haywire like chickens with their heads cut off.  Her body froze up, staring blankly at her hands when she began shaking wildly, hyperventilating like it was the end of the world (or for that matter, the end of our lives... which theoretically, it was).  I didn't know what to do, this had never happened to me before.  I've never even had feelings for a girl, yet here we are, my heart shattering into a thousand pieces because of her terrified body.  She shook her head, muttering something under her breath as again and and again she tried to fix it, knowing that it wasn't going to work.

"I'm sorry," she said out of the blue, slowly pointing her head at me.

I was extremely confused, but then I glanced out the window and the ground looked like it was thirty feet away from us and ready to come closer.  I looked over at her, realization flooding into my brain as I squinted my eyes, waiting for the impact when nothing happened, my body becoming pure adrenaline.  I waited a couple minutes, thinking that something was destined to happen, but eventually I opened my eyes to see what the hell was going on, and what met me was probably the most terrifying and most remarkable thing I had ever seen.  The spaceship was only a couple of feet off the ground, floating in midair with its nose tipping down when suddenly, it shifted, becoming even with the sand and dropping to the ground within seconds.  I was dumbfounded, curious of how this was possible until I glimpsed at Y/N for barely even a second and saw her panting like a dog, her hands on her knees, trying to open up her lungs more so she could get more air in and not pass out.  I awkwardly put my hand on her shoulder, patting it uncomfortably because I wasn't used to doing such an... interactive thing.  The child cooed, jumping out of my lap and waddling to Y/N, reaching out his tiny little hands to her and smiling like we didn't almost just die.  She let out a deep breath and laughed, picking him up and rocking him in her arms, giving him baby talk (which made him very happy).

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