Chapter Fourteen

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Elia POV

My obsidian hair sprawled out across my pillow like branches from a tree weaving through the the shadows of late eventide. My golden eyes watched the ceiling carefully as I followed the lonesome path that a single crack built after years of destruction, fascinated by its untamed ridges that spoke to the insanity of my soul. My lips twitched ever so slightly as light breeze glided across my body and down to the tip of my bed. I sat up, bored out of my mind since I was too lazy to leave my room and see if anyone was up. It gave my mind time to wander, though, my thoughts stretching to the tips of my fingers, my face contorting with the facial expression of the fantastical characters living inside my head.

Outside my room, voices began to collaborate quietly. I cocked my head to the side, curious as to what they might be saying before shrugging and laying back down. I wasn't in the mood to move, chat, or make any noise to resemble that I was living human being that did indeed have the gift of speech. I just wanted to lay down and stare at the ceiling until Rey or Y/n busted into my room and told me to be a decent member of society, but until that time came, I would rest and be a useless bump on a log and imagine adventures that would surely never happen.

My foot twitched anxiously, still unsettled and thinking about that strange occurrence I had with the Mandalorian in the world of ice a couple of days ago (wasn't that when it happened? I've lost count of the days on this ship). For some reason, though, the Mandalorian that I met seemed familiar, almost like I had met him before in some sort of way.

Before my brain could fully indulge in the question that would keep me awake for three days, Rey's powerful voice roared from the hallway , slithering into my room and taking hold of my attention. I sat up, mumbling unknown words to myself as I attempted to comprehend the partial sentences that I could hear. Soon, Poe's defensive voice shrieked through the hallway, his words still not clear. Even though I didn't have the faintest clue as to what was going on, it still caught my attention. 

Now I was curious, pulling my legs off the bed and setting my feet on the ground.  The sharp cold of the floor sent shivers crawling up my spine.  It reminded me in the faintest way of the icy waters in which I was once trapped in less than a week before, cold and numbing and unbreakable.

I leaned forward, trying to see if I could make out even a single word as to clue me in on what drama and mayhem lied behind the safety of the door.  The bed creaked as I shifted, its whines filling up my once peaceful and quiet room like candlelight filling up a shadowy never ending void with its purity.  My fingers wrapped around the edge of the mattress for stability and my breathing had gone silent. 

I couldn't stand being on the outside of the conversation, but I also wasn't intrigued enough to join in.  I just needed one single sign that this was more than one of those stupid arguments that Poe starts at least three times a day, or one of those strange and worrying tangents that Rey goes on about that make you question your will to live.

Just then, whimpers breathed in my room and barely grazed my ears.  I jumped up faster from the bed than I ever have, losing my balance and kissing the dirty floor with my teeth.  I groaned, cursing under my breath and pushing myself up.  My wrists hissed and my face screamed, twisting my mouth and shaking out my hands to see if I could get the pain to go away even just a little.  But my mind was ticking, anxious and exhilarated to see what new easily solvable problems with obvious solutions would meet me when I walked out that door.  I quickly slipped on a shirt (I was in my bra and didn't have the self esteem to walk out there without an extra layer) and stumbled out of my room, falling into a wall and stubbing my toe on a baseboard.

"Son of a bitch!" I cursed, gritting my teeth as my toe throbbed.

But a measly toe pain that made me want to amputate my entire goddamn foot wasn't going to stop me from seeing whatever the fuck this drama was.  I sprinted like the devil was on my tail, slipping a few more times on my way down the hallway.  I even fell once, landing on the back of my head (let me just say it didn't feel great).  Even so, I picked myself up and, in massive amounts of pain, rounded the corner, not exactly sure about what I would find.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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