Chapter Nine

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It was early in the day, nothing really going on, just everybody grumbling as they shuffled their feet to get breakfast, wishing that they could die in a hole, Poe the grumpiest person of the group since he didn't get his twelve hours of beauty sleep like he wanted, Elia submerged in another Jedi book while holding her side, studying the culture and their past, wanting to learn more about them before she began training, which I fully respect, by the way.  Rey wasn't up yet, probably still getting dressed, and that takes her forever, meanwhile Rose was working on a project, occasionally stopping and squinting her eyes, holding her stomach for a couple of seconds before going back to work, suspicion rising in the back of my mind, feeling like I had forgotten that something important was going to happen today, wracking my brain for whatever it was, ending up with nothing, shrugging my shoulders and sitting down next to Elia, watching her read like a bored person does when they have nothing else to do.  Atin walked into the room, handsome and brooding as always, my heart getting all tingly bubbly when I saw him, trying to ignore them with all of my might, ending up unsuccessful when he walked over to me and sat down, nudging me with his elbow kindly, glad that he couldn't see my blushy face under the emotionless mask I wear.

Suddenly, Rey stumbled from out of the hallway, clutching her side tightly and grunting like a pig, whimpering with each heavy step she took, my conscious beginning to connect the dots as Rey sat down next to Rose, pulling a pillow up to her stomach and sighing gratefully, leaning back into the air when she made a hissing noise like she was in pain, arching her back and tensing up, pulling the pillow closer to her as a few concerned glances were whipped her way, Finn and Poe giving each other 'oh no, please don't tell me it's that' looks.  Chewie growled, rubbing Rey's arm in a comforting manner before going back to the cockpit, piloting the ship so we wouldn't run into any asteroids and die, physical fear lingering in Poe and Finn's eyes as they waited for something to happen, nothing eventful coming like I was expecting, but instead discomfort came through my body on my left side, adjusting my sitting position so it would go away, the pain increasing instead of diminishing, digging my fists into my sides to get it to disappear, feeling my underwear suddenly become wet like I was beginning to pee myself.  I sprinted to the bathroom and locked the door, really hoping that it was just discharge and not the blood that was destined to come out of me, my answer being the latter which I dreaded more than anything, yelling at the ceiling with all of my force and anger, grabbing a tampon from under the sink and inserting it in me delicately, scrubbing my hands carefully before exiting the bathroom, ready to get this painful process over with.

Eyes veered in my direction as I reentered the room, Poe and Finn's faces losing color as it slowly dawned on them that it was that time of the month, seeing a little bit of them die on the inside, knowing that they would have to deal with four hormonal and moody girls for about three to seven days, Atin still confused about what was going on since he has only lived with me for about a month and I have never mentioned my period to him, because why would I mention some personal thing that gives me pain and makes me moody to a guy that I am living with?  Atin stood up worriedly, walking up to me and putting his hand on my shoulder as to comfort me, Poe mentally attempting to tell him to get away from me, Rey giving him a sheepish grin, Atin placing his other hand where I was clutching it before, the pain instantly going away and being replaced with awkward tension and embarrassment, Finn giving him a look like he was out of his right mind to touch me while I was in this potentially murderous state.  Atin rubbed his thumb on where it was hurting, my whole body relaxing and falling into his body as my knees locked up, he being the only thing keeping me standing, feeling his laugh against my back as he held my side, both of the uncomfortable men staring at him with awe and amusement, acting like he was performing some sort of dark witchcraft that was banned all throughout the galaxy, their jaws dropping to the floor.

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