three ♔red robin grazes the soil of the perished

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"One hundred." Juniper finished before she sat up after one hundred push-ups. It had been a year, one month and three days since Juniper was imprisoned in the Sky Box. Having hardly to any contact with people, spending all of her time in a cell, she was bored, so she started to exercise. Her lumpy, curvy body became toned, she embraced the way that she looked and grown out her hair. Sleek lob no longer, it was a bushy, curly mane of hair that she frequently tied up in a half-up, half-down fashion.

Just as she stood up, a buzzing sound happened and two guards stormed her cell. Juniper's heart was pounding out of her chest, her birthday was tomorrow, not today, they should be coming tomorrow.

"I think you have got the date wrong guys, you are meant to storm my cell dramatically tomorrow." Juniper laughed but then her father walked in behind them. Juniper crossed her arms over as she watched him.

"Prisoner 413, face the wall." The guard demanded and Juniper shook  her head.

"I-I-I get a day to say goodbye to people, today was meant to be my day. You don't get to do this. It's unlawful." Juniper stuttered as she crawled to the back of the cell, the idea of death scared her, the idea of her death terrified her like you wouldn't believed.  

"We don't need that, she will put the bracelet on willingly." Councilman Green said to the guards as he walked up to his daughter and knelt in front of her. Juniper's hands were wrapped around the necklace that Bellamy gave her, she never took it off. 

"Dad, what is happening?" Juniper asked as a tear cascaded down her face like something delicately falling from the sky. 

"We need you to put this on, you are not going to be floated today, Juni, I promise." Her father promised and Juniper could tell he was not lying because he never pushed his sliver fox curtains behind his ear, like he usually did with his luscious locks. 

"Okay." Juniper stated as she held out her wrist, and the bracelet clamped down. Juniper winced as electricity ran through her body. "What is this, Dad? What's happening here?" Juniper asked frantically as he helped her up. 

"I love you, my precious Robin." He whispered in her ear as he took her in for a hug. Before Juniper could break away, she felt a sharp pain in her back. Like an injection.

"What the-?" She stuttered as she broke away from her dad and remembered falling to the floor before she completely conked out. 

Juniper's eyes opened like shutters, open and close, open and close, she was finding it hard to keep them open so she groaned aloud.

"She's awake." Juniper heard an all too familiar voice, Wells's voice. "We said we would meet again." Wells smirked as Juniper opened up her eyes. 

"What is this?" She asked as she examined the place. She was in a room with a bunch of other people. In front of her was Bellamy, he was staring right at her, like his eyes had never left her. "What's going on?" Juniper groaned as she looked at her bracelet just as the TV switched on. It was Chancellor Jaha.

"Prisoners of The Ark, hear me now. You've been given a second chance, and as your Chancellor, it is my hope that you see this as not just a chance for you, but a chance for all of us, indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better, we would've sent others. Frankly, we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable." Jaha explained and as people were shouting at Wells, Juniper looked over at him.

"What crime did you commit, bad boy?" Juniper smirked at Wells who just escaped a small blush and a coy smile. Juniper looked in front and saw that Bellamy was wearing a guards jumpsuit, he was not a prisoner. 

red robin ♔ BELLAMY BLAKE ♔ #1 in SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now