eighteen ♔ who keeps his temper when a ill wind blows no one any good

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"What do I have to do to stop you from coming in here?" Clarke groaned as she lay in Finn's arms. Finn was rushing her into the dropship with Octavia and Juniper following. Juniper began to feel really light-headed and she didn't know what was causing it, her wound, the disease or Bellamy.

"Get better." Finn answered and they all searched for a bed with Clarke.

"If he's not sick by now, then he's probably immune like me." Octavia explained as she looked at Juniper, Juniper nodded her head in agreement. Murphy looked to see that Clarke was ill and Finn was struggling.

"Here. Come on. She can take mine." Murphy stated as he got out of the hammock. Finn nodded his head before he stuck Clarke inside. 

"What else did Lincoln tell you?" Finn said looking up at Octavia. Juniper was holding a cup of water for Clarke, but that cup went smashing to the ground when Juniper could feel herself giving up. 

"Juni." Octavia called out as Juniper collapsed on the floor. But two arms saved her from smacking her bruised body against the floor.

"I've got her." Murphy said as he carried Juniper and placed her on the floor.  He started to wipe away the blood from her face, soon enough Juniper woke up.

"Murphy?" Juniper asked as she began to open her eyes. Murphy smiled as he nodded his head, before slipping some water in Juniper's mouth as she sat up a little. "Thank you." Juniper said genuinely, he saved her from getting serious injured.

"How are you feeling?" Murphy asked as he tried to control Juniper's fever. Juniper had a lot more strength and was able to sit up.

"Better, but I need to change this." Juniper answered as she pointed to her bare stomach with a bandage wrapped around. Juniper leaned to the side to get the bandage but it was too much for her.

"I'll do it." Murphy said as he picked up the bandage and began to take off Juniper's old bandage.

"Bellamy would freak if he saw you do this." Juniper winced a little as the stitching began to move. Murphy raised his eyebrow as he disregarded the old bandage.

"So, he finally got his princess?" Murphy asked as he started to wrap it around Juniper's stomach. Juniper felt a weird sense of comfort with Murphy being all close to her, but at the same time she still hated him for what he did.

"Seems it." Juniper whispered awkwardly, Bellamy still was not speaking to her. "Murphy?" Juniper called for his attention and he looked at her. "I know you don't deserve this but I'm sorry." Juniper admitted and Murphy looked at her, he was not expecting that. "I'm sorry for what happened, I never wanted that to happen to you. You know that?" Juniper asked just trying to make sure as Murphy tied it quite tight to protect the wound. It was healing over nicely.

"Sorry for holding the knife to your throat." Murphy shrugged and Juniper smirked as she nodded her head at him. Murphy laughed a little too, he was just happy that someone was not treating him like scum. Juniper gasped as she saw Bellamy being dragged into the dropship, he had the virus.  

"Bellamy." Juniper called but Murphy held her back. 

"You need to stay here so I can change this, Octavia is with him." Murphy explained as Juniper tried to fight him but Murphy had more strength. 

"He needs me." Juniper whispered and Murphy shook his head as he began to secure the bandage, despite Juniper's wriggling out of his grasp. She knew that this was not giving her any brownie points with Bellamy, he clearly saw Murphy and Juniper together. 

"You need to rest and I need to change this dressing." Murphy stated louder and Juniper just gave in. She lay down and allowed Murphy to finish the dressing. "You are done but I don't think you should be moving." Murphy stated and Juniper had already crawled over to Bellamy. 

red robin ♔ BELLAMY BLAKE ♔ #1 in SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now