twenty two ♔ the hundred have fallen, bellamy blake has fallen

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"Do you see it or don't you?" Raven asked frustrated as Clarke and Juniper stood in the engine of the dropship, trying to look for a single orange wire. Juniper sighed as she wiped the beads on sweat from her forehead, it was not looking good.

"No. It's a mess down here." Clarke sighed and Juniper groaned as she dropped her flashlight. She picked it up and looked around harder.

"It'll be orange. Look harder! You have to find the that connects the manual override to the electromagnet. It's not rocket science." Raven shouted and Juniper scoffed giggling. 

"It is rocket science, actually." Clarke answered and Raven chuckled to herself.

"Guess we finally found something you're not good at. I used to be picked first for everything. Earth skills, zero-g mech course. First... every time. So, how the hell did I end up here?" Raven asked inquisitive and Clarke looked up at Raven, Juniper kept on looking for the orange wire.

"Raven? I'd pick you first." Clarke promised.

"Of course you would. I'm awesome." Raven replied back as she hid the real emotion, gratefulness. Raven did not want to be hated by everyone, she just wanted love, like she never got as a child. Until she met Finn.

"Hey, I found it. Orange wire." Juniper gasped with glee as she pulled on the wire. 

"About time! Now follow that wire to the override panel." Raven instructed and Juniper gave Clarke a weary look as she inspected the wire, it was gone. It was worse looking than the split ends on Juniper's hair.

"It's fried. Totally useless. Tell me this isn't as bad as I think." Juniper pleaded as Raven just moaned.

"You know how to splice a wire?" Raven asked rhetorically, of course they did not know how to splice a wire. Who knows how to splice a wire?

"No." Clarke and Juniper replied in sync as they gave Raven a sympathetic look.

"Then it's worse. Uhh!" Raven groaned as she moved, her legs were getting worse. Hopefully now she could feel something in them.

"Hey, stop. Just talk me through it." Clarke instructed calmly before the radio went off.

"They're everywhere! Harper, get down! We need backup!" Jasper shouted frantically through the radio before they heard multiple explosions. "Raven, our mines actually worked!" Jasper laughed and Juniper grinned with joy, they were hopefully cutting down the army that they were going up against. An army that was trained to fight in combat, compared to a hundred criminals going down to Earth.

"Jasper can splice." Raven stated as the idea came to her head. Clarke grabbed the radio, Juniper looked at the radio and it reminded her of when Bellamy turned her in. How far they had come since then.

"Jasper, we need you in the dropship right now." Clarke instructed as she held the radio to her mouth.

"Negative. We can't give up the west woods." Bellamy answered through the radio and Juniper took the radio from Clarke.

"The west woods are mined, Bellamy. The grounders just figured that out. Jasper, get in here." Juniper shouted, she knew that she could get to Bellamy. She heard Bellamy sigh through the radio and smirked at Clarke.

"Jasper, go now." Bellamy stated before the radio cut off. Juniper smirked up at Raven.

"He'll be here soon." Juniper finished saying just as Jasper sprinted in to the drop ship, he jumped down the ladder and began his work. Juniper began pacing as she wiped for droplets of sweat off her forehead.

"I'm out of ammo! What is that? Requesting backup, now! Sterling. Sterling, do you copy?" Juniper heard Bellamy say on the radio in a panic and Juniper jumped for the radio. 

red robin ♔ BELLAMY BLAKE ♔ #1 in SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now