nine ♔bellamy blake wants to be down to earth whilst murphy wants justice

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"Bring out the girl, Bellamy!" Murphy screamed from outside of the tent. Bellamy, Charlotte, Clarke, Finn and Juniper were all inside. They were shielding Charlotte from Murphy who was out for blood.  

"Why, Charlotte?" Bellamy asked. Charlotte was just a kid, but Juniper still could not look at her. She killed Wells, took his life for her own benefit.

"I was just trying to slay my demons, like you told me." Charlotte cried out and all the color in Bellamy's face went. 

"What the hell is she talking about?" Juniper asked angrily as she glared at Bellamy. Bellamy felt responsible because Charlotte took his words literally. 

"She misunderstood me." Bellamy answered before he touched Charlotte's arms comfortingly. "Charlotte, that is not what I meant." Bellamy whispered and Charlotte cried some more. She was too young to understand her actions, and hated herself for them. 

"Bring the girl out now!" Murphy screamed and Charlotte winced with fear. Juniper looked at Clarke who just shrugged, she was in the same boat as Juniper.

"Please don't let them hurt me." Charlotte begged, she did not want to go the same way as Murphy could have. 

"If you guys have any bright ideas, speak up." Bellamy instructed but the trio just stayed silent, they had no idea what to do. "Now you stay quiet." Bellamy shouted out annoyed. 

"Those are your boys out there." Juniper shouted as she pointed to where the mass was. Bellamy shook his head in disbelief.

"This is not my fault. If they had listened to me, those idiots would still be building the wall." Bellamy shouted as he pointed to Juniper and Clarke. They just wanted justice for their friend, but not the kind of justice that everyone else wanted, clearly.

"You want to build a society, princess? Let's build a society. Bring her out." Murphy shouted as Juniper peered her head out to see Murphy looking right at her. She hated him, he made her blood boil and could not let Charlotte get into his hands, no matter how much Juniper hated her.

"No! Please, Bellamy." Charlotte begged as she cried some more. Juniper lifted up her head to stop the tears, she wanted to mourn Wells's death not help Wells's murderer escape. 

"Charlotte, hey, it's gonna be okay. Just stay with them." Bellamy whispered to Charlotte before he left the tent. Juniper sighed before she turned to the rest of the group.

"We've gotta get out of here." Juniper stated but Clarke just bit her lip. Finn turned to Clarke and gave her his soft eyes. He could melt butter just looking at it with those eyes. 

"Clarke, Juniper is right." Finn said honestly and Juniper nodded her head. 

"Murphy is so angry that he will kill her." Juniper protested and Clarke nodded her head.

"And we can't let that happen." Clarke sighed and Juniper nodded her head. They did not want this, they wanted justice for Wells but not this kind of justice.

"I say we just hid her, find a cave or something and stay there until Murphy cools off." Juniper suggested but Clarke raised her eyebrows.

"Do you think he will?" She asked seriously as she kept her stance with her arms tensed out. 

"Yeah, but we need to get going now." Juniper stated and Finn nodded his head as they grabbed some supplies and ushered Charlotte towards them.

"Come on." Finn said to Charlotte nicely as they sneaked out the back of the tent, Juniper heard a loud thump and Octavia scream. She worried for Bellamy, but had to do what was right- get Charlotte to safety. 

red robin ♔ BELLAMY BLAKE ♔ #1 in SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now