five ♔ juniper green has a knockoff

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"It's a shame, they never got to breathe the air or stand on the dirt or just see what earth looked like." Juniper whispered as her and Wells looked down at the two boys who lost their lives in the landing. Wells nodded his head before he walked back to camp with Juniper, they were both holding the dead boys clothes. 

"Hey, where'd you get the clothes?" Atom asked as he ran over to Juniper and Wells. Juniper always thought that Atom was beautiful when he was in her class, tall, dark and handsome, what more could she want? But nobody would go near Juniper in case they did the wrong thing and got floated

"Buried the two kids who died during the landing." Wells answered and he was clearly just fed up of everybody. 

"Smart. You know, I'll take it from here. There's always a market for..." Atom explained as he tried to grab the clothes from the friends but Wells interrupted him.

"We share based on need, just like back home." Juniper and Wells turned their heads to the drop ship as they heard a familiar voice. 

"You still don't get it, do you, Chancellor?" Bellamy stated as he walked out of the drop ship, shirtless. Juniper bit her lip as she checked him out, she could not help but feel attracted to him. She just wanted to walk right up to him and do things that she would regret, until a girl walked out of the tent and kissed him.

"Cute. A knockoff me." Juniper hissed as she glared at the girl. They both had the same hairstyle and olive-skinned. Bellamy smirked as his hair was all messy and Juniper was jealous of how good he looked getting out of bed. Juniper's hair was something that she just did not speak about anymore because it was that bad, she had mud in places where mud should not be and her clothes were no longer white but a tanned color from the dirt. 

"It could be you princess, just say you forgive me, for real." Bellamy teased as Juniper scoffed and gave him the middle finger. She secretly admitted that she found it attractive. His new sense of confidence and self-worth was intriguing, she was a sucker for the bad boy.

"That's your new tactic, make me hate you more." Juniper laughed as she acted like it was not working, but it really was. 

"This is home now. Your father's rules no longer apply." Bellamy explained to Wells as Atom began to grab the clothes off of Wells and Juniper. "Oh, no, no, Atom.  Atom, hold up. You want it back? Take it." Bellamy teased as he took the clothes from Wells. Wells scoffed but Juniper wanted to beat Bellamy. 

"Give it to me." Juniper smirked as she pulled her vest top down so she showed more skin. She knew that Bellamy had a weakness for her wearing the necklace that he made for her for her sixteenth. Juniper contemplated about throwing the necklace away but it was the best thing that she owned. Bellamy tensed up as he just stared at it.

"Come get it." He smirked as he held them out for Juniper. Juniper smirked smugly as she walked up the drop ship to Bellamy. Juniper strutted over to them and leaned her arm out to grab the clothes but Bellamy just dragged her towards him. "You were always too slow." He smirked as Juniper was compressed against his muscular, semi-naked body. 

"So were you." Juniper hissed as she looked down in his crotch direction so he got the insult before she pushed his body off of her. "I've seen better." Juniper added and Bellamy knew that was not true, so in retaliation he threw the clothes for people to get as he took a tee-shirt for himself.

"We both know you haven't." Bellamy whispered in Juniper's ear from behind. "Princess." He added afterwards and it treacled off his tongue like candy. It was music to her ears, and she hated it. 

"Is this what you want? All the chaos?" Juniper asked as she pointed down to the boys fighting for the clothes. 

"What's wrong with a little chaos?" Bellamy asked self-servingly just as a girl screamed. Juniper ran as fast as she could with Wells closely behind her. Murphy was holding a girl close to the fire, she was crying out with fear.

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