6:32 a.m. - felix

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Author's note:
Italicized= inner thoughts
Rolling over in bed, Felix hears her voice. The same voice that's he's been waking up to since he moved in two weeks ago. It doesn't bother him, her voice is much better than any annoying alarm. He was, dare he say, in love with her voice.
He trods silently over to the wall that he had learned was adjacent to her bathroom, judging by the sound of running water. He puts his ear to the wall to get a better listen. She's singing "idontwannabeyouanymore" by Billie Eilish.
Felix smiles. A woman after my heart.
He loves Billie, and she's singing one of his favorite songs by her.

"Tell the mirror what you know she's heard before." she sings.
"I don't wanna be you anymore."
Oh, crap.
Felix's eyes go wide with terror. He hadn't meant to sing the next line at all, it just came out.
He stays at the wall, dead silent. The girl had stopped singing and he hears the water shut off. Only when he hears her bathroom door open and close did he breathe.
Playing dead isn't going to help you, idiot. Felix smacks himself on the forehead. Oh well.
He goes about his morning as normal. To his slight dismay, the girl had made no attempts to knock on his door and ask him what the hell he was doing.
Felix had moved in just two weeks ago, this was his first ever flat. He's been working at his uncle's dance studio since he was 16; he was now 19. However, he's been dancing since he was 12, much to his mother's dismay.
She'd always expected him to grow up and be a doctor or something of the typical Asian employment, but ever since his uncle moved to Sydney he's been set on being a dancer.
He was putting on his sneakers when he heard the shuffling of paper. He looked up and saw a small slip of paper halfway underneath his front door. Felix walked over to investigate.
The paper read: "You have a lovely voice."
That was it, no signature. Not like it was from anyone else but her, but it would be nice to know her name.
Hello, reader! Thank you so much for giving this story a try, I appreciate it very much. I hope you'll stick with this story til' the end!
This story was written for my best friend. We both challenged each other to write stories for each other to give us some incentive, lol.
Her story for me is : "Because he Sees me" under the user : RayneMentoz
Please keep in mind that we're not professional writers of any sort, just two teenage gorls with a love for Stray Kids and writing.
Anyway, thank you again! <3

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