10:26 a.m - felix

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Felix mentally cursed himself. While grocery shopping, he had somehow forgotten that he messaged her, and forgot to check his phone. He had pulled out his phone on the bus and saw a notification from her.


Heya! Should I save you
as "bloke" or do you have
a real name?
10:14 a.m.
Felix smiled. That's cute.
He wondered how he should respond. Was she a good person? Or was she just out to play with his heart like all the others?

10:26 a.m.

Felix ☀️
Lol, how about we just
stick to "bloke" for

A mystery, I like that :)

Hold the phone.
Did she just flirt with me? Felix felt himself blush. Or was that just friendly?
Felix assumed it was just friendly. Still, he had to tell Chris.

10:27 a.m.

Felix ☀️

Chris 🤙🏻
Mate! Flirt back!!

Felix ☀️
fslczvsbsks how???

Chris 🤙🏻
:| use your natural
Aussie charm
What the hell does that mean? Felix sighs. He knew he should've told Sam instead.

10:28 a.m.

Felix ☀️
:) and your name is?

Okay, that wasn't exactly flirting, but he'll get there.
What do you have me
saved as right now?

Felix ☀️
Angel, because of your beautiful voice :)

That was definitely flirty. Felix cringed at his own words. He hoped she didn't think he was coming on too strong. He wanted to flirt with her, sure, but he wanted to be respectful. What if she was just looking for a friend, not something more?

10:38 a.m.

Aw, thank you, lol.
That works for me ;)

Felix sighed with relief. Looking up from his phone, Felix notices something odd.
You've got to be joking. He scoops up his shopping bags and races to the front of the bus. The boy had missed his stop, he was now three streets past his own.
He had exited the bus and began his trek home when he heard a voice call out behind him.
"Sir!" A girl seemingly his age jogged to catch up to him. "You left this by your seat."
She was holding one of his grocery bags he had apparently abandoned on the bus.
"Oh, thank you so much!" Felix took the bag she held out to him. "I probably wouldn't have noticed until I got home."
She smiled. Something about her was so familiar to Felix, but he couldn't quite place what.
"It's no problem, I would just hope someone would do the same for me." She chuckled.
They stood, awkwardly glancing at each other for a moment, when Felix realized something.
"Oh, no," His face fell. "I didn't make you get off before your stop, did I?"
She shook her head and spoke in her familiar American accent. "No, no, I actually missed my stop, I was too immersed with my phone."
"Me, too," Felix laughed at the coincidence. "Why don't I walk you, then?"
They walk in silence for a while, but Felix couldn't help himself.
"I'm sorry, but you don't happen to work at the ice cream shop at the corner of Elliot and Lamb, do you?" He questioned the girl walking to his left.
"I do, yeah." She looked up at him. "You're the boy who comes in every Sunday and Thursday, right?"
He grinned. He knew her eyes were familiar, he didn't know why he didn't notice sooner.
"I am, it's nice to meet you." He offered his empty hand for a shake. "Well, technically we've met, so nice to talk to you?"
They laughed together.
She has a nice laugh.
Felix and Angel versions 2 have met!
I'm sure you Stays can guess who Chris is, lol. But do you know who Sam is?
The "texting" makes the chapters seem longer, lol.
Thank you for reading <3

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