october 12th, 2020 - angel

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The little boy and his mother left the shop, both with smiles on their faces. The boy was so cute, she didn't mind paying for a new ice cream cone.
When Angel returned from putting the mop away, she saw that the boy sitting across the shop had left. She went over to clean his table, and saw that he left his tip folded into a little heart.
How sweet. She thought with a small smile.
"Bye, boss, see you Thursday!" Angel exited the shop.
To her own dismay, she was still thinking about the boy who left her the heart.
Was he staring at me?  She thought. Or was he just spaced out?
When she thought about it, she had caught him staring plenty of times. She had never dwelled on it before, though.
The boy was handsome, Angel had to admit. His eyes were a pretty shade of brown that seemed to disappear when he smiled wide enough. His hair was dyed a shade of lavender and was fluffy. His skin was tan and he had a spray of freckles across his cheeks that looked like constellations. He wasn't necessarily tall, but several inches taller than herself. Angel shook her head. Stop dwelling on it, it's probably nothing.
Angel checked her phone for the time. Her dance class started at 3, and it was now 2:45. She rounded the corner and saw the dance studio across the street. She looked both ways and started to dash across the street. She didn't usually promote jaywalking, but the crosswalk was far from where the studio was.
Angel pulled open the door and stepped inside the building. It was a typical lobby, with a receptionist desk and some chairs. Angel walked up to the desk to ask where her class was.
The receptionist was a female, with blonde hair and bright eyes. "Sana", her name tag read.
"It's going to be upstairs and to your left, room 127." She gestured with a cute smile.
Angel thanked her and headed for the stairs.  127, 127... She scanned the door numbers.
She found the right room and reached for the doorknob.
Calm down, you'll be fine. Angel took a deep breath.
"Are you gonna go in, or are you just going to stand here all day?" Angel jumped and turned around at the sound of her best friend's voice behind her.
"Damn it, Morgan," Angel put a hand to her heart. "You scared the life out of me."
They had signed up for the class together, both of them wanting to pick up dance again. In high school, they had both been on the dance team together, and they were excited to get back into it.
Morgan laughed and reached around Angel to open the door. They stepped in together and surveyed the room. The room was dimly lit with a black wooden floor. There were several other students along the back wall, all warming up. The duo followed their lead and began stretching. After a few minutes, the door opened again to reveal a young, darkly clothed man. He was wearing black jeans, an oversized black T-shirt, a black cap that hid the majority of his dyed grey hair, and a black face mask.
"Hello, class," The man greeted in a deep, Australian accent. "I'm Felix Lee, your teacher."
Several students returned the greeting.
He moved to the front of the room and turned on some music. A heavy hip hop song came on over the speakers and he began dancing.
He was pure power, hitting every beat with precision, yet he was graceful.
The music stopped, and we erupted into applause.
"Thank you," He said beneath his mask. "This is what you'll be learning today, so I hope you're prepared."
Angel and Morgan shared a look.
Well, this is going to be no easy feat.
Several scared gasps went around the room, this was a beginner class, after all.
They danced for about two hours, and Angel had finally nailed the choreography. Felix called groups up by last name to dance in front of the class.
Ugh, I always hate this part.
But, nonetheless, she gets up and performs. The music swells in her as she, too, hits every beat.
The group finishes, and the class, and Mr. Lee, clap. Angel high fives Morgan as they do, and Angel feels a prickly sensation, as if someone is watching her. She turns and catches Mr. Lee looking at her, just as he turns away.
The rest of the groups perform, and the class goes to the back of the room to gather their bags.
"See, you were all fine." The teacher's eyes showed that he was smiling underneath the mask.
How sweet.
Are y'all figuring out the plot yet lol? Don't be sad if you're haven't, sometimes I get confused and I'm the author looool.
Did you notice the Easter eggs?
-Sana from TWICE
-127, as in NCT127
Thank you for reading <3

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